Fox News: bias anyone? (gas prices and the presidency)

by gubberningbody 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    Yeah, FOX is a riot to watch. I turn it on, and it's like everything disappears and they recreate the world and it has no connection to reality or fact. They say whatever is handy at the moment, like Romney, and is probably why conservatives barely bat an eye when Romney says one thing and the complete opposite just hours later. They've been conditioned and groomed to accept that kind of behavior.

    A couple of weeks ago, I tuned in for a few minutes, and just cracked up. The woman 'reporting' announced in the reverant tone that they would see what Rush had to say on the matter! RUSH? And they proceeded to play the longest clip I'd ever seen for this type of thing. It went on and on---but this was RUSH speaking, and therefore, the source of so much knowledge. LFMAO.

    But without them, nobody would be reporting on the war we're in. That's the War on Christmas---nothing real. You may not know that America has launched a War on Christmas, but it's TRUE. FOX said so. Everytime a store, parade, or whatever chooses to be inclusive and call something a HOLIDAY todo, FOX news will update you on the latest attack on Christmas and the horrible persecutions of Christians who have absolutely no power and are being thrown into camps.

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