Fox News: bias anyone? (gas prices and the presidency)

by gubberningbody 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    With gas prices on the rise the Republicans and Fox News are blaming it on Obama.

    But wait, back in 2008 when gas hit $4.11 a gallon they said just the opposite about Bush: the President has no control over gas prices.

    Sure, "We report the news, you decide"



  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    they will blame Obama for being black. It's absurd

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Ah yes, it must be Obama and not greed, corruption or capitalism.

  • botchtowersociety
    With gas prices on the rise the Republicans and Fox News are blaming it on Obama.

    But wait, back in 2008 when gas hit $4.11 a gallon they said just the opposite about Bush: the President has no control over gas prices.

    Sure, "We report the news, you decide"

    It goes both ways. Back when gas was high under Bush, the media (other than Fox), laid the blame solely at his feet.

    Here's a sample gleaned from a quick Google:

    Blame rising oil prices on Bush

    What do we hear now from these same people? "The President can't control gas prices. It isn't his fault."

    The fact is, however, that Bush broke the back of the rise in oil prices when he lifted a drilling ban on 7/14/2008:

    Oil prices peaked in mid-July, the day before he made the announcement. After that, they began a precipitous decline.

  • botchtowersociety
  • ziddina

    Bush being neck-deep in the oil business - and super-chummy with Osama Bin Laden's oil-rich daddy - made the claim about Bush's connection with rising oil prices much more convincing....

  • botchtowersociety
    Bush being neck-deep in the oil business - and super-chummy with Osama Bin Laden's oil-rich daddy - made the claim about Bush's connection with rising oil prices much more convincing....


    Here's a better chart on the link between the lifting of the executive moratorium and crude prices.

  • designs

    Just in the USA the price per barrel ranges from $77.00 coming out of North Dakota to $124.00 in the SouthEast region of the country, add to that the Options market traders adding volatility... The major refiners are Net-exporters of gasoline, but there are no lines at the pump so go figure.

  • Giordano

    I don't watch Fox news I see enough of it on the Daily show when they've lied or misrepresented a story. If I want opinion I'll watch maddow, if I want news CNN. If I want to hear from a boviating fool Rush will do or Joe Scarbough. My finger stays on the MUTE button when I watch Morning Joe....the man is a fool....he needs to get his butt over to fox. IF i actually want to listen to opinions that are factual I'll check out the Chris Hayes Show Sat and Sunday morning.

    Like Maddow.......... Hayes will make a correction if he got something wrong.

  • botchtowersociety

    High Gas Hypocrisy: Stunning 15 Times Obama and Top Dems Blame Bush For Gas Prices

    Now that Obama is in the White House Democrats and the Administration have been trying to assert the spike in gas prices is not really affected by the Presidents actions. Four years ago they had a very different take,

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