by justmom 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • justmom

    Well we are agian. April 5th 2012 memorial season.

    Now, for many many of us here that know and understand what the WTBS really is and...what it isn't, THE TRUTH, you may wonder why would anybody want to put themselves out there and actually go the kingdom hall this year ?

    For me and my family who have been disfellowshipped for fourteen years for disagreeing and standing up for the real truth (they called it apaostacy) and my husband partook of the emblems for many years inside as a witness. He was of the younger generation and nobody said anything at least to our faces....

    We will be attending and partaking as a family with our sons. Why Why you may ask...??????

    It is not to share in their worship as we were called out to follow the true shephard, Jaheshua and to separate ourselves from what is unclean....referring to them as the real apostates and anti-christ as a whole. (not a personal judgement call just calling a spade a spade)

    Our authoirty to eat and drink (partake of the emblems) comes from Christ not man (the society) and for US all of our families are still inside drinkin the kool-aid.

    We all know when any joe blow from any other neighborhood church attends and or tries to partake, he's just ignorant and not understanding what he's actually doing. They will eventually set him straight.

    But when ONE OF THEM or (former) members does it, they know EXACTLY what statement they are making and what they are doing to blasepheme their so-called holy spirit.

    It is them who blasephemes to denying their members life in a covenant that is open to ALL not just priests (144,000), and saying life comes through them as a organization calling THEMSELVES "The visible representation of Christ on Earth."

    We are only messengers sent to show them how every year they pass over life when they pass over the emblems and not partake of them.

    1 Corinthians 10: 1-4 John 6:35-58

    To them from us it is way more profound of a statement. For us it is out of complete love for Israel and our families and obedience to our Lord who set the prescedent. He is the one who died for us. He is the one who can save us! Not man. Not a corporation of men!

    As stated to Ezekiel, going to a people that should understand our message and language. It is they who are hard-hearted and stiff-necked! And whether they listen or whether they refrain, it is up to them. We will continue to do what we have been called to do, so there is as little or no bloodguilt on our part. After all, isn't that what they taught us when going door to door?

    Besides, you never know, one little seed may fall on fine soil and it would all be worth it. Praise Jah!

    justmom nuttin but love for ya'll lol

  • rebel8

    I'm going to streak by naked.

  • WTWizard

    It's all a complete waste of time. Planting millions of "seeds" just so one MAY grow is totally wasteful--why not just plant ONE seed but the one that will grow, and not waste everything else? Sure sounds like sucking the energy out of everyone toward the few.

    As does only having a few partaking. The leaders get the energy from the masses, who waste their time being there. Little does anyone know, every time anyone attends a boasting session (particularly the REJECT Jesus Party), they are contributing their psychic (and usually their physical) energy to empower the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger all the more. It would surprise me not that the witlesses are TO THIS DATE connected with the International Association of Churches at the highest levels, contributing to the top Jews trying to bring back the Second Dark Ages. Attend, and you contribute to this energy through the prayer, and through money donations.

    If you wish to observe the Memorial, I suggest doing so in small groups so the energy flow stops with the group itself. (And the money is spent on emblems, not the churches and Kingdumb Hells). If you wish to reject Jesus, then do that at home--again, you will not support the religious scams, and your psychic and physical energy will not be siphoned to the pigs at the very top. (Plus, you can have pizza and beer if you so choose.)

  • Heaven

    LOL at rebel8. I'll be in bed (I get up very early).

    Why not partake at home instead of the KH?

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Feeling so sick: "It turns the stomach not to partake"

    In rare cases some unforeseen circumstance, such as illness or travel complications, might prevent a Christian from attending as he or she had planned. What should be done in such a situation?

    During the celebration unleavened bread and red wine are passed, and those who have been anointed with God’s holy spirit and chosen for life in heaven partake. (Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:28-30) If one who has each year been partaking is this year confined to a sickbed at home or in a hospital, elders of the local congregation will arrange for one of them to take some of the bread and wine to the sick one, discuss appropriate Bible texts on the subject, and serve the emblems. If an anointed Christian is away from his home congregation, he should arrange to go to a congregation in the area where he will be on that date.

    In view of this, it would only be under very exceptional circumstances that an anointed Christian would have to celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal 30 days later (one lunar month), in line with the command at Numbers 9:10, 11 and the example at 2 Chronicles 30:1-3, 15.

    Those who are of Jesus’ “other sheep” class, with the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth, are not under command to partake of the bread and the wine. (John 10:16) It is important to attend the annual celebration, but they do not partake of the emblems. So if one of them is sick or is traveling and thus not with any congregation that evening, he or she could privately read over appropriate scriptures (including the account of Jesus’ instituting the celebration) and pray for Jehovah’s blessing on the event worldwide. But in this case there is no need for any additional arrangement for a meeting or a special Biblical discussion a month later.

    w93 2/1 p. 31, Questions From Readers

  • justmom

    Hello and wellll.....

    I disagree with the whole waste of time in planting a seed. Who are we to know whether my sister, mother or father, or neice, nephew or uncle will not wake up one day and smell the coffee. This is our blood through family and the israel inside that are!

    And please all of you do not mistake what I said. We as a family partake at home regularly with each other and other ones that choose with us.

    It is not a sharing in worship with the WTBS when we go, and I don't care one bit what they are part of. They are as big as the world and being part of it as is any other so-called organized religion on earth!

    If for NO other reason we go....It is to give a witness and or a warning out of obedience to OUR Lord and master. What they do with it like I said is entirely up to them. But they will never be able to say, " Why were we not told or warned out of Love for fellowman?" like they say THEY do to people out in field service.



  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I would like to know if any of the gobbling body-snatchers or writing department have ever planted anything. (Well except lies.)

    Because you know what happens when you just throw seed on the unprepared ground?

    Wait for it

    Wait for it


  • ziddina
    "Because you know what happens when you just throw seed on the unprepared ground?.....



    Still more evidence that the bible was written by nomadic sheepherders...

  • d

    i recieved one invitation today with encourging scriptures as a sidenote.These people should just leave us all alone.

  • ziddina

    Aaaaand another thing....

    "The Season Is Near At Hand", speaking REALISTICALLY, will ALWAYS apply, because it's ALWAYS either spring, summer, fall, or winter...

    [Yeah, I know - but, the spring-equinox-full-moon-oriented special little "Passover" event aside....]

    It's just another dammed season...

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