by MsGrowingGirl20 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dogpatch

    Excellent quote from the elder's book, Ann. I was going to use that section myself! It is so blatantly stupid. Can't let it slide!


    If a person is serving as a regular pioneer only and the body of elders determines that he no longer qualifies to serve because of decisions he has made with regard to higher education, the person, the congregation, and the branch office should be informed of the deletion in the usual manner.

    Yeah, the "usual manner" of the level 2 mouth of the WT's arrogant Service Dept.'s Unholy Trinity of mouths.

    But if they privately LIKE you (meaning they can use your new skills for some dastardly job), then the level 3 "oral only" advice takes over.

  • out4good3

    I'm pretty sure I was marked when I told two elders in my home one day that we can talk biblical subjects all day long, but that I would not allow them to use the occasion and discussion to biblically chastise me.

    The look on their faces as they looked at me were priceless.

    Check mate BBBBiiiiooooootttccchhhhh!!!!!!

    Kicked Out

  • Miles3

    MsGrowingGirl20, confronting the elders would open a world of pain. They have absolute power and would stamp down any one that try to object, even if you have biblical/theocratical proof they did something wrong.

    On the other hand, once you realise they have absolutely no power over you unless you give it to them (by believing they have that power, or by contesting their decision, which is a way to show them you believe they have some kind of power over you), you have the upper hand.

    Just act like you don't care. If they try to counsel you, just look through them - concentrate you eye focus on something behind them, and look in their direction while keeping your focus on the horizon. They will notice they can't reach you, they will realise they can't blackmail you, and that's a situation they're not used to. Eventually, they'll have to swallow their pride while you continue with your life, and come to the meeting whenever you want, and once at the meeting happilly associate with whoever you want. They can't do nothing about that, the whole marking doesn't work if you don't let it affect you.

    Edit: make sure to tell everybody how happy you are, and how wonderful your univerity courses are. You won't be promoting higher education (you're not advising others to do it), but showing everybody that it makes you happier than ever is the best way to make your point. They are unhappy and dissatisfied, you're doing something useful and exhilarating with your life.

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    wow!!! i didn't know all of's crazy! it's like they WANT me to sin or whatever....instead of encouragement they 'mark' me ...i CANNOT see any of the first century christians doing this...


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    wow!!! i didn't know all of thiss...

    Of course you don't. You are not supposed to. Your inferior gender is not even supposed to lay eyes on their secret book of instructions. All you are supposed to do is say "how high" when they say "jump".

    F@#k them!

  • InterestedOne

    Just for laughs, here is a little more about marking from the elder book:

    Extreme physical uncleanness: (Deut. 23:12-14; 2 Cor. 7: 1) Every effort should be made to help the offender see the need to keep his body and place of residence physically clean. Before disfellowshipping would be considered, elders would need to be certain that the uncleanness is pronounced and offensive, bringing much reproach upon Jehovah's good name and his people in the community. Appropriate counsel should be given. If this is not heeded, then marking may be necessary. (2 Thess. 3:14) If there is blatant, willful disregard of the counsel given and extremely offensive unclean conditions contlnue, disfellowshipping may be necessary.

  • panhandlegirl

    The organization does not want any of the members to be exposed to highe education because you will begin to learn and think for yourself. I left the organization in the 80s. Went to the university at the age of mid 40s and now have two degrees. Both of my children also got their degrees in their 40s. The organizatin kept me and many others from advancing. Please don't listen to them. Go to the University. What the others told you about what being marked means is correct. They have been doing this since I can remember and I grauated from high school in 1962. Only one boy from the circuit went to college and everyone thought he was bad witness. I wonder how sucessful he is now. I'll bet he doesn't clean offices for a living. Go to the University!! Control your own future!

  • Norcal_Sun

    Well that is pure BS anyway, there are plenty of witnesses in my area going to college and specifically going through nursing programs.. I never saw any of them being marked, and I am pretty sure some of them were pioneering too?

  • baltar447

    Intersting that you post that, InterestedOne. I can just see JWs disfellowshipping hoarders, who are mentally ill. SOOO Christlike of them!

  • out4good3
    All you are supposed to do is say "how high" when they say "jump".


    And when you're up there, you'd better damn well ask for permission before you come down......


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