Those on JWN still serving as elders...What if?

by Kensho 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Cheers Billy x

    I guess you are right, these people provide us with ammo in that we are informed about what the org is telling our families. But these elders are the people my family are listening to, believing and following. Their shepherds.

    I guess I will have to leave it at that, as I said maybe its too sensitive for me to be objective.


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    You're families are listening to the Governing Body, what they say goes. The elders don't print or outline lies in the WT. Elders are sheep as much and the flock.

    It's the Govening Body and The Corp., all the rest are puppets. Oh, unless you're an attorney or the UN, you're more valuable to the GB then an elder anyday.

    So what's the difference between the Governing Body now knowing they are playing a guessing game with your lives and families, aswell as the masses?

    Many of you are going door to door telling lies (to my family) and conducting bible studies teaching innocent people. You actually think there's a differnce? Just Again, denial

  • harleybear

    did I miss something or was the original question not addressed? I too would be interested to see how many existing elders visit this site and what makes them tick. I got lost in all the bickering. Can someone rein the horse in and address the question. I AM INTERESTED in the answer.

  • TheSilence

    elderelite answered the original question.

  • harleybear

    That he is a idiot??? REALLy? Who is the idiot??? Someone who asks a question? Is that what this site is all about? Sounds a lot like the org. don't ask and you won't get jammed up. Don't question and you won't make the journey to the KH libary with the elders. Don't disagree or you will be called an idiot. Hmmmmmmm Maybe I confused this site with the WTBT society.

  • TheSilence

    Or perhaps you didn't read every post he made in this thread. One moment and I'll copy the one I'm referring to.

  • TheSilence
    god im sleepy and KNOW better than to click on these threads... i KNOW better but did it anyway... so I will clarify my "idiot" remark and return to the land of slumber (i hope)
    I say "idiot" because its so typical of people who storm out of the KH in a huff and think the rest of the world should follow them... not reality. And short sighted. It presupposes that there is only one way to handle the situation... YOUR way.
    It also supposes that an elder cant say no to sitting on a JC. I have. and will continue. I have only sat on one since I learned the truth about the truth. It has some bearing here so I will relate some of it in a moment...
    but bear in mind something: there are only two basic ways to end up in front of JC for "apostacy"... 1) becuase you accenditly say the wrong thing to the wrong person or 2) because you WANT to end up in front of a JC for apostacy so you can make a statement.
    I will start with the case of 2 first... IF that is your desire... then why the hell would I care...? where is my moral delemia? Because someone wants to go out with a bang I'm supposed to lose sleep over it? You decided to sit in front of a JC so you can lay out your case for the org's wrong beliefs, knowing how it ends, you want to make a principled stand (in your mind) and that causes me a delima... How? How fun with that. I feel no guilt or hesitation... hell in the JC i will throw sofballs to help you make your case... but I wont feel guilt. At all.
    as for situation 1.. thats a different. ANd I have been there. Long story short is that a friend of the family was hauled before a JC. was trying to fade. I ended up getting tapped to sit on it. I acceppted. I coached the person on what to say ahead of time. I threw softballs during the JC and pushed like mad for the result the person wanted, private reproof. Misssion accomplished. My family friend hasnt been back to the KH since, but can still have free contact with their dubbie family. A win by any reasonable persons definision. so again i ask... where is my delima?
  • TheSilence

    To summarize, he has no dilemna with sitting on a JC for apostacy because he feels they fall into 1 of 2 categories. 1. You said the wrong thing to the wrong person in which case he is going to throw you some softball questions to try to get you through it with a mimimum of consequence so he is actually creating a situation where it will effect you less than if he wasn't in an elder position to help you out. 2. You want to get a JC for apostacy to make a statement in which case he has no moral dilemna.

    Now, I'm not saying I agree with everything he posted, but he did answer the original question beyond calling the guy an idiot, which is what you wanted and asked about... which is why I said he did, in fact, answer the original question.

  • harleybear

    Silence. My bad. I appreciate your input. Just got a little confused and I have a big hang up on people calling people an idiot. However your recap clearifed it for me. Thank you dear.

  • TheSilence

    :::smile::: No worries. I wasn't fond of the 'idiot' part, either. ;)

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