United Nations mentioned in Watchtower publications

by Magi 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Magi

    I have no problem whatsoever with WTBTS signing up as NGO. In fact, if I were an organization like there's I would do the same. I'm just doing my full research into this matter and if I have offended you in some way by asking about this, I am sorry sir.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Cacky welcome and thanks for that point. I read about how the secret story from the heavens was common info for that time. Someone here posted some time ago, what publications/bewpapers had that speculation. But mainly that it wasn't inspired.

  • diamondiiz

    Apologists can twist the facts all they want. WTS didn't say anything about human rights but simply used "library card" excuse, anything other than what comes from wts is apologists irrelevant BS.

    Point is, if there is nothing wrong with being an NGO why did wts resign after the Guardian run the story? If it is wrong, why do wts' foreign branches still have connection to UN?

    WTS PR must have thought, resigning as an NGO was the best strategy, so the US branch done that while some foreign branches didn't get exposed so they kept their UN connections (DPI) to this day.



    Magi: Not offended at all. ( I was not addressing you personally.) The GB is responsible of more serious 'crimes' than signing or not signing as an NGO and hiding from the R&F.

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