Want honest answers

by independenthinker 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lozhasleft

    Why? is a good question. Power?...big money tied up in publishing company? More than one answer methinks.

    Loz x

  • undercover


    You said:

    The Ironic thing is, if i hadnt been accused of independent thinking, this would have never of started.

    Why do you think "they" (being the WTS) don't want you thinking independently?

    As for your question about us providing honest and unbiased answers...

    You will get honest answers, but not completely unbiased ones because most of us have been where you're at right now. It's safe to say that most of us, even when we're trying to be fair and balanced, hold a grudge against the WTS.

    Don't take everything you read on this site, or any other website critical of JWs, as absolute truth. You have to do the research, you have to come to the conclusion of what is correct and what is incorrect. We can tell you things you've never known about the WTS, but you don't know that what we're saying is really true, or hasn't been embellished, or misconstrued.

    This is a good thing though. Just as you're learning to question the authority of the WTS, you will have to learn to apply that independent and critical thinking to everything you read/hear about the WTS pro or con.

    In the end, you'll figure it out. But it won't be an easy road. You're going to go through hell and back while trying to wrap your head around this. The upside is that your young and you have your whole life in front of you. The downside is that you're young and probably still living with your parents, under their authority. Trying to assert your freedom from tyranny of a religious cult is a daunting task in and of itself. Trying to do it while still relying on parents for a roof and maybe more is even more daunting.

    Whatever you do, do it slow. Don't rush into anything. Don't rush into leveling with your parents. Don't rush off into a crazy relationship with your sweetheart. Don't assert yourself to elders. Don't say anything that will raise eyebrows. Get everything straight in your head before you act on anything. Easier said than done, but nothing is gained by rushing headstrong into something when you haven't gotten it all figured out yet.

    Keep hanging around and share your thoughts/feelings with the group here and us old farts might can keep you calmed down enough so that you don't do something you'll regret later.

  • yknot


    Charles Taze Russell brought in way more as the Faithful and Wise Servant than in common trade.

    Rutherford..... Boozeford loved living large, lived even better than Al Capone!

    Franz/Knorr..... why rock a good thing you got going when you just inherited it all from Rutherford

    GB 1.0 --Some probably believed, others were just too invested in comparison to social security/pension of not holding a real job for most of their lives.

    GB 2.0- NO TRUE BELIEVERS..... just riding the gravvy train as long as they can....cuz it is better than starting fresh at 57yrs-near 80yrs old.

    People (esp converts) get sucked in and than instead of admitting they made a mistake or got taken for a ride they try to salvage their 'investment' in the WTS and just keep on truckin' hoping the end will come before they die ....

  • Giordano

    You want an honest answer? Here's mine.......... this was written last year and it's about being 18 and a serious independent thinker and serving where the need was great in an attempt to reconcile my disbelief with my childhood beliefs. It's mostly amusing and may be a good change of pace from all the doctrinal stuff. It takes place in the1960's. http://freeminds.org/index.php?option=com_finder&view=search&Itemid=676&q=confessions+of+a+wayward+pioneer

    By the time I got out I was facing Vietnam and the 1975 Armageddon issue.........best decision I ever made.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    IndependentThinker, welcome to the JWN forum.

    That elder pegged you, didn't he? You are an independent thinker... but while that's bad news for them, that's good news for you. Anyone who doesn't want you to think for yourself is not your friend. Just the fact that his words raised a red flag and made you think of an Orwellian world - that's a great sign.

    So a world view you once thought was rock-solid is now crumbling fast, isn't it? Stay positive. You seem mature enough to figure out what makes sense to you from a "faith" standpoint and young enough that you don't have to rebuild a new life completely. It's a harsh wake-up call but for the unlucky person who was born-in (like you and me), 18 is NOT the worst time to wake up. Try becoming aware of these facts after you're married to devout JW and you're raising JW kids.

    You'll get through this, but like so many things, it will probably get worse before it gets better.

    A few questions, hopefully not too personal: You have a girlfriend on the outside - can you talk to her about it? How deep are your parents in the organization? Are you planning to attend college?

    Best of luck to you.


    EDIT: I want to second that video posted by WitnessMyFury. We were taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. The latter is indispensable.

  • Vidqun

    Welcome Independentthinker. My little fantasy world as JW also crumbled after I found out about the UN-NGO debacle. I knew things were not always above board, but I ignored all the warning signs. I recently did a lot of research on "the disgusting thing causing desolation" and "the beast from the abyss," and to find out the Society was an NGO of the UN for nine years (1992-2002) shocked me to my foundations. Although they resigned in 2002 (from the UN), they are still actively involved with the UN in different countries. As one elder explained it to me: It is not wrong because they can do so much good by helping the brothers, when they work with the different UN organizations. And of course, they can also access funds made available by the UN for relief efforts. So, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

  • palmtree67

    A good thread started by someone who was once just like you.

    Welcome to the forum,



  • palmtree67

    I don't know why that link wasn't clickable.....

    Could someone help me out?

  • SweetBabyCheezits
  • undercover

    Gonna share a little video...

    fast forward to 2:27 and start there. While this is political commentary about a presdential candidate who has been accused of eschewing higher education, there are some comments made that ring true with JWs and their view of so-called Biblical history.

    As you listen, you should see yourself and your family in what is described. You can also see why religions like the WTS/JWs want to keep their youth from gaining higher education, or more aptly put, learning to think independently and critically.


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