My House Is Broken!

by NewChapter 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    I went into the basement last night----and there was a huge crack in the wall. Today, I checked it out further, and there is a one and a half inch gap that goes all the way outside----and there are more cracks---all the way through. So my house if broken. The insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow to see if they cover the damage. The city has been doing major work on the sewer system in my neighborhood----they even busted out the apron of the driveway to dig deep in the ground. Covered it all up. Had to come back for some kind of leak. They are on the next street now. I wonder if something hasn't backed up and broken my house.

    Frankly, I'm terrified. Just looking at it sends panic through me. How can a house break like this?


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't know but I wish you the best resolution possible.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    You're fine. See what the adjuster has to say. There are fixes to this sort of thing ( cracks in the foundation). Don't lose any sleep over it.

    Then again, who the hell am I?

    Seriously, though, it will be fine.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    NC....not good. Sounds like a cracked foundation. Very expensive to repair. Digging near or causing changes in drainage pattern can cause this. Run it past the claims adjuster. Good luck.

    Think About It

  • PaintedToeNail

    Wow, how scary! Is there anywhere else you can go while it is checked for safety? If there was a leak the city came back to fix, the water/sewage may have eaten out a depression under your foundation, causing structural damage. The city may be liable for damages incurred. Maybe your adjuster can advise you. I hope that everything works out okay for you. Stressful situation to be sure!

  • NewChapter

    There is never a good time for these things to happen---but this was a particularly bad time. Ah well---it's not going to heal itself. Maybe it was that smurf investation. I just can't even process this.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    as long as u don't see dead people u should be ok

  • Tater-T

    hey call me tommorrow.. check me on fb... i'm a construction guy..

  • NewChapter

    as long as u don't see dead people u should be ok

    Ahem---ACTUALLY Wha'---my backyard is against a cemetary. There is NO TELLING what I'm gonna be seeing!

    Thanks Tater! I'll check FB.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Tate, be sure and bring your friends, The Indian, The Policeman, and the Biker

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