I Was Offered A Bible Study By The Elders

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    By all means Minimus, go for that study, if you enjoy watching the elders tapdance around failed dates, prophecies and flip-flopping doctrinal changes.

  • snare&racket

    I am SOOOO jealous

    I have asked friends and family but they all say its best if we dont....awwww.

    I said "lets get the bibles out, the history books out, the science books out, the greek, hebrew, aramaic bible commentaies, the old JW literature...and lets go for it paragraph by paragraph!" But alas, they decline.

  • Ding

    Tell them you'll be glad to study the Bible but only the Bible.

    Ask them to show you how to find solely from the Bible:

    -- The 1874 date Russell believed

    -- The 1914 date they believe now

    -- The 1925 date Rutherford promoted in the Millions book

    -- The 1935 heavenly class closing the WT taught a few years ago

    -- Why it's okay to take blood fractions but not whole blood

    -- Why in Revelation 14 the great crowd is said to be in heaven

    -- Why the GB neither knows nor cares who the anointed remnant are

    -- Why higher education is evil

    -- Why brothers cannot have facial hair or wear certain color shirts

    -- Overlapping generations the GB didn't believe in until 1995

    -- Any other WT teaching or practice that you know has no Bible basis at all

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm just surprised u held down the vomit

  • blondie

    Of course, the WTS only offers a study of their publications because the bible cannot be understood without them. The WTS rarely quotes a scripture in their publictions unless it is a "snippet" or merely cited. Never in context which is why on an earlier thread it was pointed out that the phrase "new scrolls" never appears in the bible (nor "paradise earth" or "governing body)." It would be interesting if they would study just the bible without the WT publication crutch.

    I remember an elder telling me about an elder's meeting where a new elder wanted to discuss an issue using scriptures and came prepared having done research. "Brother, brother we don't need that we have this (the elder's manual)." That new elder turned in his elder's manual that day. But he did learn that the word of the WT was more important than any word in the bible, even the NWT.

  • 00DAD

    Have a Bible Study ... no WT publications, just the Bible.

    See how far that gets them.

    Start by asking them do explain the "Overlapping Generations" nonsense using JUST THE BIBLE and perhaps a dictionary. Then, just for fun, after they've tied themselves up in knots trying to explain the unexplainable, show them this chart

    Generations come and go ...

    and ask them to explain how "Truth" can change back and forth. If it's changed before maybe it'll change again.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Do what a friend of mine once did. Say you'll accept a study, but only if everyone is naked.

  • minimus

    They are soooo deluded!

  • VM44

    Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT conduct Bible Studies.

    They conduct Watchtower Indoctrination Sessions using Watchtower published "Bible Study Aids"!

    A person is considered a teachable sheep if they accept everything they are told without questioning.

  • MeanMrMustard

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