Donating blood

by SweetBabyCheezits 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • GLTirebiter

    Yes, I donate every two months (barring current or recent illness). In the hands of a skilled phlebotomist, it's virtually painless and takes only about half an hour (most of which is filling out forms). You do have to meet the qualification standards, but if you do please donate!

  • bigmouth

    The irony has been pointed out here before; Dubs will accept a whole raft of blood fractions if required medically. They will not, however, donate blood for that purpose. They rely on non - Witness donors to supply the blood from which these fractions are made.

  • bigmouth

    BTW, my wife donates regularly. I'm terrified of needles and happily accept that I may have to die horribly for being so cowardly.

  • Azazel

    this has been on my to do list and i just gotta get past the anti blood programming i received for 40 years.

    i have given full organ donation authority so in the event of crash/death they can have whatever they like....i just ask they donate my eyes to Stevie lame joke.


  • Phizzy

    I donate regularly, my next is due soon, I have thought about the situation that TD mentions, if a JW saw me, or better still two of the buggers, and subsequently they tried to DF me, the scriptural grounds for the DFing would be so so difficult for anyone to explain.

    How can it be wrong to donate if it is not wrong to accept that blood once it is fractionated ?

  • Jim_TX

    I've done it a few times in the past when they bring the blood mobile around.

    I'm not afraid of needles, but won't watch when they poke this monstrous needle in my arm.

    It doesn't hurt... much.

    I guess I look a bit puny, because they always keep asking me... "Are you okay?" or "Sit here a while." after I donate. I feel fine. Like I said, I guess I look pale or something.

    I think the hardest part is remembering my blood type. I think it's O+.


    Jim TX

  • GOrwell

    I've done it recently for the first time, and it was a pretty cool experience. Turns out I have the rarest blood type of all, O-. Now, I'm don't think the blood services folks would lie about something like that, but just the same, they would like to get to you to donate more regularly. Go for it!

  • pbrow

    I used to but then I had sexual contact for money with a monkey on the continent of africa : 0

    Who would have thought they would ask that??!!


  • jamiebowers

    I would if I could. I had jaundice from a bad gall bladder, and a rep from the American Red Cross said I shouldn't ever donate.

  • laverite

    I would if I could. I am banned for two reasons:

    1. I have lived in the UK for many years so I'm banned from donating blood in the USA (due to having been a UK resident).

    2. I'm gay. Gay men can't donate blood in the US. I find this ridiculous as I have no blood born illnesses and I am HIV negative.

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