Attention Governing Body: October 2, 2014 is only 940 days away...

by Alfred 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reslight2

    Alfred stated:

    Charles Taze Russell's Bible Students who predicted that the Big A would start in 1914

    I am not sure what is meant by the "the Big A". Russell was expecting the "time of trouble" to begin in 1914. Russell died in 1916 still with the belief tha the time of trouble had begun in 1914.

    Alfred stated:

    except for the Bible Students who continued to move up the date for Armageddon 2 more times (1918, 1925)

    I cannot be certain, but it appears that most of the Bible Students continued to hold that the time of trouble (Armageddon) had begun in 1914. I know that this is what I believe, and I know of many other Bible Students who also believe this. By 1928, the majority of the Bible Students had rejected Rutherford's new organization. Rutherford wanted to use the prophecies to bolster support for his new organization, and thus he rejected much that Russell had taught concerning 1799, 1874, 1914, etc.

  • rocky220

    I don't know but, expiration date with me was 1975 after the "truth that Leads to Eternal Life" book study indoctrination propaganda......there's sooooo many things they have to clean up...and no desire to clean it up........what arrogance!


  • cedars

    This is a good topic, although (as I've said before) I don't think the Governing Body is remotely bothered about 2014 coming and going.

    I say this because they have already laid the groundwork to keep flogging 1914 until at least 2034, which they have already hinted as having possible significance thanks to grafting Jehovah's reasoning in Genesis 6:3 onto the period of Christ's parousia.

    I don't expect a strategic withdrawal from 1914 until the early 2030s. When that finally happens, it will take some REAL mental gymnastics to accept whatever the "new light" at that time turns out to be. I look forward to finding out what they come up with. The one thing you can be sure of is that the majority of JWs will lap up whatever they are told regardless of how unfeasible it is.


  • Refriedtruth

    This thread is a keeper Alfred composed a masterpiece of logic.

    The Watchtowers *spiritual credentials* are also illegitimate the governing body claim to have become *spirit anointed* in 1919,based on the 3 1/2 year post 1914 selection by Jesus and the dating for this is falsified on William Millers (who got it from Brown) end times apocalyptic algorithm.If 1914 is false it the entire doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards.

    90% of the Revelation Climax book is founded on 1914

    The creation on the whole 'evil slave' precursor boogeyman scapegoat to the 'apostate' smear was all over the big falling out of those who left over the failure of Jesus to visibly return in 1914. This falling away was just a ditto of William Miller's great disappointment of 1842.

    As a kid I was drilled over and over how these Bible students aka Russelites were to lazy to do the extended preaching and wanted their reward of heaven in 1914.

    The great disappointment of 1842/1914/1925/1975/1984 (yes 1984 UN year of peace) and now the extended generations..... just does a ditto over and over with new generations.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I wonder what they'll be saying in 60 years time when the 'overlapping generation' idea is no longer feasible. At what point does 1914 stop looking like 'The Last Days', and more like 'The Last Months'?

    Who cares? We'll all be pushing up daisies and the GB will have a whole new crop of idiots to gleene funds from. Any of the "siginficant dates" are nothing to the GB. As long as it keeps growing, (and apparently it still is, even if it's minimal), then their standard of living won't change a bit. Just another destrucvtive cult to be added to all the other loonies on this planet.

  • Refriedtruth

    Finding out that 1914 was false which I discovered in 1996 4 years after I was dfed in 1992 was what truly liberated me from still being haunted that I had turned away from the truth that I was born into 1956.

    1914 was ALL we ever talked about I gave countless 2 min sermons on the 39 'composite sign' of the last days since 1914

    It actually devastated me with horrible agonies that I had squandered 35 years of my life for a f**king cult I hated God and had been programmed to not trust anything worldly so I was in bad shape.

    I was right time and place in my journey for the epiphany,but you know what it will have little effect on the borg if they chose to outright renounce it,to us and outsiders it will be like the Catholic church renouncing Mary saying she never existed but the JW run on fear and ego and many WT leaders are classic manipulative cult charlatans like Jim Jones.

    We will gawk in astonishment and the JW will still go door to door with an easy generic message of hope from God's kingdom



    2014 will come and go like a Passing Train..

    JW Cattle will watch it go by..

    Without a Thought..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Refriedtruth

    EVERY Jehovahs Witness WILL face their mortality grow old and die after squandering their life for a rip off cult!

    Ahhhh,20 years ago in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts most of my peers there were up to their neck in debt,home equity loans,car payments, maxed- out credit cards.NONE were saving for their retirement unless it was a mandatory employment pension IRA (like I had which now I survive on).Every man,woman,child wa stuck on apocalyptic siege mentality.

    When my kangaroo court Dfed me, two of the elders shed crocodile tears,weeping that I was a doomed gonna who only had months to live before the big A.

    If I did not have my forced Union high wages deductions that I earned 1970-1992 for my pension IRA and social security fund, I would be living in a homeless shelter as I am severely disabled.

    At least half of my congregation,back then were self employed with meager hand to mouth janitorial or construction jobs and had NO retirement savings.This includes several of my own JW family members.You cannot climb a ladder and haul up a bundle of roof shingles on your shoulder all day when you are 70.

    NOW what the heck are they thinking,what goes through their mind? I don't get it,I just don't.....

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Whenever they finally abandon 1914 they will never admit to being in error.

    They will blame the punters for reading too much into the date.


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is the 100 year significance?

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