You Might be a Jehovah's Witness if . . .

by sizemik 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    You might be a Jehovah's Witness if.....

    You turn out your porch light, close the drapes and hide out in a back room on Halloween.

    You are a grown azz adult and feel guilty for watching an R rated movie.

    Get the "deer in the headlights" look when others wish you a Merry Christmas from trying to figure out how to respond.

    Have imagined petting a lion.

    Look forward to the mass slaughter of billions of human beings so you can pet a lion.

  • d

    The word Pioneer makes you think of men in suits instead of the orignal pioneers.

  • XstuckX

    omg i'm dying laughing reading all of's all true!

    if you change the radio station when a xmas song comes on.

  • Shador

    if you change the radio station when a xmas song comes on.

    Eh, when they play 'em for a month or more straight, you don't have to be a Jdub to get tired of it right quick.

  • Phizzy

    from "d" , " The word Pioneer makes you think of men in suits instead of the original pioneers."

    I used to mutter during Meetings whenever they were mentioned, "I prefer pie and chips". (To Pie n' Ear)

  • jam

    You are definitely a JW if you sold your home and quit your job

    prior to 1975 and moved where the need is great. Now you must

    work in your twilight years because you can not afford to retire.

    You may be a JW if you tried making a date with a young lady and

    then later you discover she is your first cousin.

  • Oubliette

    You call total strangers "brother" and "sister" but you won't talk to your actual, flesh-and-blood brothers and sisters (or other relatives) because they aren't JWs.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    .... If you ask that your "NO BLOOD" card be added to your personnel file at work, just in case I got injured... Guilty!

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