Breaking the law under the guise of religion / getting away with slavery

by wasblind 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    No one wants to acknowlege that they are a part of such an institution

    as long as you remain a JW you are

    you refuse to see whats there because you can't face the fact that it's the same thing

    that cause the same harm

    your the type that thinks pain don't go beyond the physical, you think no one has been literally whipped

    there's no harm

    Bein' physically forced from contact wit family, causes mental distress

    and all because they want to force you to serve the organization

    Many go back for family, which then becomes forced servitude , slavery

  • Sulla

    Please. JW-ism causes the same harm as chattel slavery? Are you listening to yourself?

    you['re] the type that thinks pain don't go beyond the physical, you think no one has been literally whipped

    there's no harm

    Uh, well, no. I actually don't think that. I am simply saying there is no valid comparison between the harm that happens if I beat you to a pulp and the harm that happens if you join the JWs. Not really that hard to grasp, I'd suggest.

  • apostatethunder

    There are different forms of slavery. Enslaving somebody’s mind is definitely slavery. It doesn’t need to be religion, it can be politically or ideologically, as in 1984, or in any totalitarian regime, through stern social and media control.

    The WT does enslave people mentally, otherwise they would have no followers.

  • wasblind

    If you beat me up, that's would result in physical pain

    the harm that happen if I join the WTS only result in Mental pain like PTSD ,depression etc.

    is that what your sayin', I'm askin' to get a firm understandin'

    Are you sayin' one is not as bad as

    the other because it's not physical ?

    I'm askin' to see if I'm readin' your post correctly

    I agree Apostatethunder

    but the WTS use both methods

    they physicaly separated by shunning

    which cause mental anguish

  • wasblind

    " There are two ways to enslave people and make sure they remain in that position. One is to physically restrain them through force, The other is to influence them mentally, to control their minds to the point where they accept that their best interests are served by following their masters bidding. Slaveholders in the south used both methods to keep thier slaves in line."________Picturing a People : A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS FROM 1619-1900 Chapter three page 45 paragraph four

    Sully the Slave masters used both physical and mental on the slaves , The WTS is no different

    again, the WTS physically shun non-believers to control the minds of the remaining sheep

    if you don't believe me feel free to order this book on line, it's written by a University professor

    who teach African American history

    You have not proven you case sulla, all you say is there is no comparison, prove it

    your on a world stage girl, here's your chance to clear the WTS


  • mrsjones5

    Wait a hot sec...I thought Sulla was a guy. Am I wrong?

  • Sulla

    Sulla is a guy, mrsjones. My use of the Picasso painting as an avatar tends to throw people off, it seems. Totally unfair, of course, since Duderino [sp?] has an actual pair of breasts as his avatar and nobody seems to think he is a chick. It is possible I'm being too subtle? That would be a first.

    Sully the Slave masters used both physical and mental on the slaves , The WTS is no different

    Except for the physical part. And except that you can always simply decide not to be a JW, an option not widely available to slaves. And except that JWs could simply decide not to shun their disfellowshipped family members, also an option not generally available to slaves whose family members were literally sold elsewhere.

    Perhaps you enjoy identifying the JW experience with the genuine horror of slavery. Perhaps that gives your experience some sort of added importance or the fact that you left the JWs some additional nobility. Don't know.

  • wasblind

    Let me put it to you this way one more time, just because somethin' is made illegal

    does not mean it doesn't exist anymore

    When the Jim Crow laws were done away wit, " PRIVATE" or " MEMBERS ONLY " signs went up

    The WTS may have started out wit good intent, but it has morphed into a money makin' conglomerate

    The WTS is a publishing Co. that needed free labor , and a tax haven, Religion provided that

    The sheep don't get paid for their labor, they Pay the Publishin' Co. through donations

    and trusts left by the dead sheep ( who would not die, remember that one ? )

    Don't get me wrong, I still have a belief in Jesus, not organized religion it's a sham

    And you still haven't answered my question, what makes mental abuse by the WTS,

    less harmful than physical abuse By the hand of the southern slave master ?

  • mrsjones5

    " Perhaps you enjoy identifying the JW experience with the genuine horror of slavery." Bazinga

    "Perhaps that gives your experience some sort of added importance or the fact that you left the JWs some additional nobility." Bazinga

    "Don't know." Nah, your none too subtle bazingas leads me to believe that you think you do know. Is the comparasion that uncomtable to you? Do you still think the WT/GB are really that holy and pure? Do you really think they need defending? Wow, you're either so deep into you can't see the forest for the trees or you really don't care about the suffering the WT causes. Could be one or the other or both. Don't know.

  • wasblind

    Hey Josie **

    Your right about that, he can't see for lookin'

    I do believe the WTS is pure, can't you smell it ???

    watch out, it'll make you eyes water

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