Scum in Britain

by varian 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Isn't organized religion wonderful ?


    And yes, Keyser, you have a point,,, I am looking at things from an historical VP. AND, I know Muslims .... some of them are prejudiced/racists,,,, and some of them aren't ... in my personal experience.

    The city in which I live, is called the "Ellis Island of Canada",,, so we see a lot of different viewpoints that the average American doesn't,,, and it has an influence on my opinions. I grant you that.!!!

    but still, I don't think you, or any others who 'HATE MUSLIMS', are necessarily 'bad' people,, ,,, you just have a skewed POV because of 9/11 and the hysteria connected with that event.



  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    but still, I don't think you, or any others who 'HATE MUSLIMS', are necessarily 'bad' people

    Do I 'hate' Muslims? I have a healthy disdain for their faith, as I do for all religions, including Christianity.

    you just have a skewed POV because of 9/11 and the hysteria connected with that event.

    Yes, my POV of Muslims is skewed, in part because of 9/11, as well as other atrocities you seem unwilling to acknowledge. It is also skewed because of fundamental issues I have with their belief system. But it is no more skewed than my attitude towards Christians, who as you say, have their own history of oppressive and destructive behavior, and fundamental beliefs that I also disagree strongly with.

    None of that equates to 'hate'. I am fully capable of viewing individual Muslims(or Christians) as good people who have adopted a belief system I don't agree with.

  • Violia


    I am calling a spade a spade. they are worse than jws and I am sad for Britain.

    What an annoying full of themselves religion. It is a scourge.

  • thetrueone

    When you take all of what this religion has done in recent times regarding the slaughter of unarmed civilians throughout the world, including 9-11

    one can not be a bit dismayed and bothered by a group of these followers of this faith protesting and slandering the very government

    that welcomed them into their country to worship.

    These acts of slaughter were indeed incited by extreme religious views in praise of Allah.

    In these modern times this is seen as the most backward deplorable acts of hatred that one can imagine.

    When its realized that it was religious faith that inspired these acts of violence it has to be a cause of concern for all countries trying to create

    a peaceful social environment in todays society. If I saw these kinds of protests or marches in my town you could bet there would be

    a enormous out poring of opposing upset by the majority of the public.

    Unfortunately with this religion with its long established hatred and intolerance toward other faiths particularly with Judaism, Christianity

    its not surprising the violence by Muslim extremists has carried out of the middle east and spread around the world.

  • cantleave

    Phizzy - Jesus is a construct based on many people, not a real individual. If I offend by calling Mohammad a twat I make no apology, in the same way I make no apology for saying religion is for the stupid!

  • Phizzy

    Dear Cantleave, I concur with your estimation of Jesus, there is no way we will get to the "historical Jesus" whether individual or composite,I do not believe we will ever be sure, what I was pointing out was that if you wish to cause a furore you could do so by using the same epithet against what is, I agree a mainly fictional character.

    "Jesus was a twat" is not likely to endear you to many. I do not think that using that insult against the certain historical person, Muhammad , actually added much to this thread.

    I agree too with your estimate of religion. All religion was invented by men. Therefore it must be stupid, now, had it been invented by women, it might be different !

    The "scum in Britain" come from many backgrounds, they are muslim,christian,atheist,communist,fascist and lots of other "ists", but share one common denominator, Ignorance.

    Ignorance causes extremism, causes violence.

  • cantleave

    The "scum in Britain" come from many backgrounds, they are muslim,christian,atheist,communist,fascist and lots of other "ists", but share one common denominator, Ignorance...


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