More "Elders" Doubt They Are Appointed By The "Holy Spirit"!

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poopsiecakes

    So true, Jeff.

  • therevealer

    Any servant (jw man) that was involved in the start-up of the elder arrangement can rightly attest to the fact that it was pure and utter bullshit that some "holy spirit" was involved. Basically a group of men sitting in a circle saying yea or nay to each ones being ok'd or not to be written on the list to send to the society as those to be appointed as elders. I know none in the group where I was involved was nayed, LOL. That was the recommendation sent to the society so that they could then appoint these men (under the guidance of the holy spirit, cough,cough) purely and utter bunkum inspite of eggnogs ramblings.

  • thetrueone

    Elders are really low level appointed managers selectively designated by the Watchtower Publishing Corporation.

  • MrFreeze

    Why do they elders even bother? It's a lot of work for very little reward. What, you can get to rule over 100 other people? Congratulations.

    Reminds me of Shawshank Redemption. "Sure, in here, I'm the guy who can get you things. Out there, all you need is the yellow pages." When you look at the big picture, they do a lot of work for no reward.

  • truthseeker1969

    if they were appointed by holy spirit then there would be no need for an appeals process in JD's "as an act of kindness".

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    All you have just proven is that it possible to use several hundred words:

    - when several dozen would have sufficed!


  • thetrueone

    What, you can get to rule over 100 other people? Congratulations.

    Since the wts. sell it self as god's specially chosen organization with a bunch of BS propaganda to show why they are,

    this is enough for some men to grasp that power for themselves. Its power for men who probably wouldn't have it otherwise.

    In this organization its the first step up the power ladder of the organization.

  • GOrwell

    DJ Egg's back?? time to break out the BUBBLY!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yeah, and congress is elected appointed by "Holy Spirit", too.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    djnogg, I read your post and would like some time to prepare some Bible based remarks, with my fifty years of experience in the Organization, and with dealings will all claims that, Jehovah has used his spirit to appoint us. I greatly appreciate your view and please allow me some time to respond to your post, Thank you for taking the time to share your viewpoint, all sincere viewpoints are appreciated by me.

    free2see: I use to throw some wild parties, when elders would get a little liquid courage, their mouths would open up. Whiskey, Tee-kill-ya and godo gin, work wonders. Not all revelations were from liqour, the CO yelling at elders, would open their minds, with a few camping and hiking trips. I have good relations with my brothers, and they know I will not rat them out, I know I am loud here, but in the region, I have kept my mouth shut, this provides many brothers "freeness of speech" with fearing judgement or rushing to the others with a bad report.

    "qualified men are appointed" this can be applied to men throughout the entire earth, because every elder ever appointed, who has helped appoint men, know politics and pretense, do exceed being a good person by miles. We had a brother who was young (26) and my view was he was very mature for his age, he knew his Bible better than anyone on the body (this scared a few dishonest elders) his field service was 60 hours a month, but he did not want the title of "pioneer" and refused join the "list". The elderly loved him, and so did the youth, he truly loved the flock, the end result, he was not appointed. The same meeting before the C.O.s visit, a brother's name was introduced, his meeting attendance was imperfect, his visibility was good for service, but he did not love the flock. His uncle and cousins were on the BOE and he was appointed, while the other brother who was two years younger, was stuck in Appointment Limbo. New appointed brother would not pick up phone calls from the "sheep" and had the super busy look, avoiding eye contact with the little sheep. His uncle asked me a year later, "don't you think the holy spirit choose correct, by putting 'brother busy" in place of brother kind?" I said, No! He does not even care about the sheep, and you are blamming this appointment on Jehovah's holy spirit? The brother was eventually disfellowshiped for stealing, and I was told "Jehovah's holy spirit was quick to remove the wrong doer, and keep his Hall clean." I was speechless.

    One other area deserves consideration, that Jehovah's Holy Spirit is able to be bestoyed upon men and women who have never had contact with the Watchtower Organization. Everyone JW has heard indirectly that, you have to be a "JW from the Watchtowers" worldview, so if the big "A" were to come today, for years I have heard "Jehovah would judge all of Iran, Afghanistan, China, Russia, Albany and a plethora of other countries, where the "Good News" has not been preached. The W.T.S. believes they have control over the magnificient Holy Spirit, and who is saved by Jehovah. The Bible is very clear, that Jehovah will save, annoint men and women, who are not affliliated with the Watchtower. I digress, but I wanted to add this to our discussion, that Jehovah has people in every country, he has never left his name unrepresented (Paul speaks of men whose conscience bear witness to their actions, and implicate or exhonerate them, through their God given sense of right or wrong, since Adam.

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