Dreaded elder's visit come and gone.

by Vidqun 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    sounded like he was there more for this "business" of visiting u. I don't think u made any sort of impression other than to mark u for a dfing. He isn't thinking on his own. In fact, most JW's think contrdiction is a discussion. Funny though, he contradicted the society with his, "Each must decide for himself what to think."

  • NVR2L8

    This elder will report how his visit with you went to the elder body...and out of concern for your spiritual well-being they will arrange another visit. This time they will try to win you over...and if they don't succeed, they will now have to take measures to protect the congregation against negative influences by isolating you...This is why I completely refuse to tell anyone why I no longer attend meetings. In fact I avoid speaking to any JWs as much as possible. I don't personally care about being disfellowshipped, but I know it would hurt my family. So for the time being I want to stay under the radar and maintain status quo. If this is what you intent to do, then you should keep your thoughts to yourself...and remember that you will never win an arguement with a JW and that you can be disfellowshipped even if you are 100% right.

  • Vidqun

    Yes, NVR2L8, you're right. The visit was due to an instruction from the CO. I discussed the UN-NGO debacle with him. Interestingly, the next morning, after our discussion, the Scripture at Matt. 5:29 popped into my head: If any part of your body makes you stumble, cut it off or rip it out. At the time I thought it meant I should just shelve the problem, put it out of my life. Now I view it differently. Rip the cause of the problem right out of your life. And we all know what that is. The elders will probably wait for the CO next time round in order to launch the big guns. I will definitely not meet with them again. I've said what I wanted to say. I have been coaxed by the best, that's why! So bring it on....

  • 00DAD

    You discussed the UN-NGO debacle with the CO!!!

    Do tell more, what was HIS response. I understand the R&F JWs are largely unaware of this shocking bit of hypocrisy on the part of the WTBTS, but he CO's must be aware of it!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I too stay in for family and do my utmost to go unnoticed, so I understand your struggle, but unfortunately you've been spotted on the radar. If they let sleeping dogs lie you'll get some dirty looks but will remain "in", however if they want to speak with you again you're screwed. You will only have two choices at that point, speak up and get “disciplined”, or try to sound as repentant and apologetic (for being right) as you can, bend over and take one for the team.

    I feel for you and am so sorry they’ve caused you this problem.

    Check out http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/222171/1/Im-so-sorry-that-I-correctly-understood-the-truth-about-the-generation-of-1914-before-Jehovah-revealed-it-to-his-organization-Repentant-apostates-have-to-apologize-for-being-right; it's on the subject of being sorry for being right and quite comical, it may give you a much needed laugh.

  • NVR2L8

    Prior to a CO's two elders came to visit me. I was quite surprised because it was almost a year since I completely stopped going to the meetings and this was their first attempt to contact me. Having been a MS who gave public talks, cared for the accounts and conducted a book study, alarm bells msut have rang when I decided to step down a few months before completely vanishing. For 10 months there was not a single phone call or attempt to contact me. So they rang the door bell and when I opened the door they moved forward as to enter, but I walked out of the door and kept them on the porch. The asked about how I was doing and the usual small talk but I could tell why they were there in their suits and bible in hand. Then they asked what they could do to have me come back to the meetings. I replied that I knew their phone numbers and the location of the KHall...but at this time I needed to be left alone. They said they understood and then hugged me and shook my hand and left. My wife goes to the meetings and I guess she hasn't shared with them the reasons I gave her...otherwise they would be all over me. If they return again, I will ask them to respect my request to be left alone.

  • 00DAD

    NVR2L8: Then they asked what they could do to have me come back to the meetings.

    Hmmm, how about:

    1. Teach the truth, the REAL Truth

    2. Admit to

    • Errors
    • Cover-ups
    • Lies
    • Scandals
    • Hypocrisy
    • False Doctrines

    3. Apologize for all the above

    4. Remove all the WTBTS Leadership that hypocritically participated and/or allowed the above to go on without speaking out and stopping it.

    5. Stop Shunning Good People that:

    • might have made mistakes, but are still trying to be good, and/or
    • simply disagree (see Point #2 above)

    Then maybe, just maybe, I'll come back .... uh, probably not.

  • 00DAD

    Elder(s): We miss you at the meetings!

    Me: You were doing good until ...

    Elder(s): Until what?

    Me: Until you got to the word "at".

  • Vidqun

    Thanks Dissillusioned for those kind words. This is the point of no return, I'm afraid. No turning back for me from here. Yes, I did notice the thread on "Sorry for being right." I had a good laugh.

    NVR2L8, yes, I guess I am on their radar now. I've always been, for speaking my mind, but now, more so than ever.

    00Dad, I have noted your five points, and it's spot on. Like I said, it has become a conscience-issue and I don't compromise on that. I was involved with neutrality issues from early on, so I feel strongly about this. I sacrificed quite a few years of my life to remain neutral, and they know it. Yes, this is the second CO that I have tackled on the UN-NGO issue. The first one I confronted, did not have a clue. He and his wife visited. Both were flabbergasted. I showed him the Guardian-article and the letter sent to the Branches. He went all shades of the rainbow. All he could get out: We all do stupid things at times. He must have made notes for the second CO. The second, and last CO, was better prepared. He kept harping on the apostates and their propaganda. I assured him this had nothing to do with apostates, but all to do with the double standards of those taking the lead. I think he appointed the young elder to follow up on the matter.

  • 00DAD

    Vidqun (quoting a former CO): We all do stupid things at times.

    Oh, that is SOOOO lame! Give me a f^&*ing break!!!

    If YOU or I joined the local YMCA to use their swimming pool or shoot some hoops we'd be disfellowshipped in a heartbeat for "interfaith", because of course the water they use in their pools is unholy water and the basketballs are implements of Satanic worship.

    But THEY are officially affiliated with the UN as a Non-Governmental Organization for a decade (give or take) and it's somehow OK!


    They were sleeping with The Beast for Chrissakes!!!! That is EXACTLY what they taught us was the kind of behavior that earned Christendom the infamous title, "Babylon the Great, mother of Harlots."

    "We all do stupid things at times". I repeat: Give me a f^&*ing break!!!

    The entire GB, or at least those remaining that were members at the time, should all be disfellowshipped. They should be glad we don't live in "Bible Times." Then we'd take 'em outside the City Gates and stone them to death for their covert acts of apostasy.

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