by Phizzy 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • flipper

    LONDO- At this point- it really doesn't matter . I believe voices in numbers matter more. What's Chapman gonna do, DF us ? Throw us in jail ? The time for soft pedaling this is over

    I am not sure if directly accusing him of being bribed is the best of ideas. We really have no evidence...

    Even if it appears he`s been Bribed..

    The pressure to carry on the case will be enormous..

    Good job Flipper!..

    ..................... ;-)...OUTLAW

  • hotspur

    He received this from me earlier ....

    Subject ~ Private Criiminal Prosecution by Steven Unthank

    I reside in the UK and have been watching this situation for months now and was hoping for a just conclusion to things but it appears that this may not be the case at all.

    I am saddened and dismayed by the recent correspondence from your office to Steven Unthank, who is prosecuting several cases against the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses relating to their contemptuous and continuous disregard for the safety of children in your state.

    I'm totally baffled how anything of this very nature can be regarded as "not in the interest of the public". Your very own law dictates that there should be a registration of individuals who supervise children. The law is formed in the interests of children. Are you now deciding that children are not part of that "public"? If this case does not go to it's full and natural conclusion then it can said that Justice in the state of Victoria has died. In fact, it will not have died naturally but was killed by one of the very offices that is charged with maintaining and upholding it!

    This case has been followed worldwide by thousands of people who have an interest in Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower Society. Thousands of them know that child abuse goes on largely unchecked and unprosecuted due to the obfuscation through their own rules and regulations. That means the eyes of the world are upon you, sir, and you should be ashamed to even think that this case should be discontinued. If I didn't know better I would say you had been bribed to discontinue it - what other rational reason could explain such a preposterous action. I should say that it can be construed that your very own inaction is not in the public interest.

    So just what is your public duty?

    Protect your own laws. Protect your Justice... more than anything else... PROTECT your CHILDREN.

    Please re-think your course of action in the coming hours. It could be the last hours of peaceful sleep you may ever enjoy if you have a conscience which I suspect and hope you have. It is to your inner self that I appeal - that you are duty bound as a human being to uphold the law and Justice. Think of all those children - please!

    Yours Respectfully,

  • sizemik

    Great to see so many great emails. You guys rock.

    Don't worry about pissing the PP off . . . smaller country . . . public officials do pay attention to feedback. While respectful . . . disbelief and a bit of feeling won't hurt I believe. Emailing or lettering some media outlets in Aus wouldn't be a waste either.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Great post by ABibleStudent on the other thread. I will also send emails to these other authorities, It may help

    I wrote to the Director of the Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria and to the following public officials to express their opinions to the Director of the Office of Public Prosecutions about the OPPV'sdecision to dismiss Steven Unthank's cases:

    Unlike some JWN members, I feel it is better to educate the Director of the OPPV about the potential strategic consequences of the OPPV's decision to dismiss Steven Unthank's cases. Further weakening the "Working with Children Act 2005" section 35(1)(a)(b)(c) law seems more important to me than potentially not having enough evidence to prosecute the cases at this time.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    From: Robert To: Mr Neale Burgess <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 12:46 PM
    Subject: Please Support Steven Unthank's Private Criminal Prosecutions of the Watchtower Society Mr Neale Burgess: I respectfully ask that you expeditiously contact the Director of Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria (OPPV) and express your opinion about the OPPV to taking over prosecuting the following cases from Steven Unthank and then dismissing them on February 21, 2012:
    • Corporate Accused: GOVERNING BODY OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (Case No.: B12083527),
    • Corporate Accused: FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE (Case No.: B12083367),
    • Corporate Accused: CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (Case No.: B12083108),
    • Corporate Accused: WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. (Case No.: B12083833), and
    Although I am an American citizen and father, I was deeply saddened today to learn what the OPPV plans to do and its eleventh hour notification to Steven Unthank, and wrote Mr John Champion requesting that he reconsider his decision to dismiss the aforementioned cases (please see attached email). The OPPV's decision will further weaken the "Working with Children Act 2005" section 35(1)(a)(b)(c), because it will send a message that government officials do not care about protecting children to the leadership of dangerous cults like the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Thank you and your staff again for working tirelessly to support Steven Unthank ’s prosecutions of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society’s leaders and organizations for not complying with Victoria’s child protection laws. Regards,
    ----- Forwarded Message -----
    From: Robert To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
    Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 12:24 PM
    Subject: Please Prosecute to the Fullest Extent Steven Unthank's Private Criminal Prosecutions Dear John Champion SC, I respectfully request that the Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria ( OPPV ) prosecute to the fullest extent of the law the following cases:
    • Corporate Accused: GOVERNING BODY OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (Case No.: B12083527),
    • Corporate Accused: FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE (Case No.: B12083367),
    • Corporate Accused: CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES (Case No.: B12083108),
    • Corporate Accused: WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, INC. (Case No.: B12083833), and
    Although I am an American citizen and father, I was deeply saddened today to learn that the OPPV plans to take over prosecuting the aforementioned cases and then dismiss them on February 21, 2012. I was hoping that after writing to you in November 2011 (see attached email) that you would have a better understanding of the significant strategic consequences of not fully prosecuting the aforementioned cases. Even if the OPPV is not successful in prosecuting the aforementioned cases, a significant message will be sent to the Watchtower Leadership - Follow the Law! Have you considered how the OPPV's planned dismissals will further weaken Victoria's Child Protection Laws and be interpreted by the Society's leadership? The Society is a dangerous cult and its leadership views governments with the utmost contempt , so in a year or two the Society may again direct its Victorian elders not to follow Victorian Child Protection law(s). Please reconsider your decision to dismiss the aforementioned cases. If Victorian government officials fail to prosecute the aforementioned cases, then Steven Unthank will be the last hope for Victorian JW children for protection from child abuse and molestation by Jehovah's Witnesses. Regards,
    Robert From: Robert To: [email protected]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 11:32 AM
    Subject: Please Take Over Prosecution of Cases by Steven Unthank Dear John Champion SC, I respectfully request that the Office of Public Prosecutions Victoria take over prosecuting from Steven Unthank of Steven Unthank versus the Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses (CID B12083527 ), Christian Congregation Of Jehovah's (CID B12083108), Faithful And Discreet Slave (CID B12083367), Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society (CID B12083833), and Watchtower Bible And Tract Society (CID B12082206) . Steven Unthank has done a fantastic prosecution to date, but is not as well trained to prosecute the aforementioned cases as the Office of Public Prosecutions is. A joint effort with the Office of Public Prosecutions in the lead prosecutors role and Steven Unthank as subject matter expert would increase the possibility of successfully winning the aforementioned cases. Although the prosecution of the Watchtower and its leaders may appear insignificant, it may have much broader ramifications when viewing the international reach and history of the Watchtower. Please view the following web pages to understand how the Watchtower and its leaders operate: http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/bulgaria-blood-transfusions.php, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLAC9kS_EqM , http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/war-of-words-breaks-out-among-jehovahs-witnesses-2361448.html. The Watchtower is a dangerous cult as defined by Steve Hassan in his book Combatting Cult Mind Control and viewing his websitewww.freedomofmind.com. To understand a dangerous cult like the Watchtower, the OPPV will need subject matter experts like Steve Hassan and former JWs , because although the Watchtower and its leaders do speak English the words they use may have a different meaning than a normal person would interpret. If the OPPV needs additional subject matter experts or would like to obtain photocopies of previous Watchtower literature, I recommend that the OPPV become members of English -speaking exJW forums such as www.jehovahs-witness.net, www.jwsupportforum.com,exjehovahswitnessforum.yuku.com, and www.jehovahswitnessrecovery.com and request information from members of those forums. I hope and pray that the OPPV tenaciously prosecutes the Watchtower and its leaders, because, if the OPPV does not, the Watchtower may after a year or two stop complying with Victoria's child protection law because of the arrogance of the Watchtower's leaders that they are superior to worldly governments. Also, I hope that if the Watchtower is successfully prosecuted in Australia so that legislators in all governments will enact laws to scrutinize organizations that apply for tax exempt and charitable government programs to exclude organizations that are dangerous cults. Reducing funding sources for dangerous cults is possibly the least expensive way to eradicate them. Please call if you have questions,

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Is Steve still a brother? If so, he should plan on getting df'd. That way they can vilanize him as an apostate, and will.

    The is not the turn-out I was expecting. Unless the WT agreed to some form of compliance which is really what they want. I've had to deal with different govt agencies and most of all, compliance is on the top of the list. That and I've learned it's waaaaay easier to ask for forgiveness, rather than permission. So I would expect some sort of cheesy deal worked out where the WT is under some sort of review.

    This really sucks

  • flipper

    BTTT, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Phizzy

    Time is almost gone for this, but e-mail anyway, Mr Chapman could do with some more reading material !

    (Why has this thread gone all over to the right ? pesky demunz ?)

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Please continue sending emails, it's never too late! I hope they continue getting them way after the case to see there really is an promblem within the WTS.

    They will be "forced to acknowlged real faces" behind those emails who are the concerned citizens ......." In The Best Interest Of The Public".

  • flipper

    Well, I received an E-mail back just verifying that Chapman's office received my E-mail. A Carly Sporton sent me an E-mail back acknowledging it. So it appears the E-mails are going through fine. Thought I'd let you know

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