by Phizzy 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cedars
    I know it's still early but has anyone received a response to their email???

    Not yet, I'm not expecting one so soon - but I'll post on here if I get anything back.

    Hopefully they're simply overwhelmed by the response.


  • hotspur

    At 02:48 am in Victoria I think the only response you could expect right now is, "Mail box full!" from an obliging Mail server!

  • james_woods

    I just have one precaution on this: remember MALAWI - when U.S. JWs were urged to write the government condemning their persecution of JWs, and which ended up making the persecution worse?

    Is it possible that a mass mailing to this prosecutor (with whom it appears that Steven Unthank has crossed swords before) could in fact cause him to be EVEN MORE resistant to persuing this case in the courts?

    BTW - could someone clarify a point here as well? I thought Unthank was prosecuting the case HIMSELF as a private citizen, and that if the court found merit in it, they would appoint a public prosecutor. Does this mean the public prosecutor is refusing to take the case further?

  • cedars

    james_woods - you may be right, although the case is clearly floundering so we need to try something and we have little if NOTHING to lose.

    When the case gets thrown out, it will be too late to send any emails.

    I say we ALL email respectfully to show our disdain for how this case is being handled.


    I just have one precaution on this: remember MALAWI - when U.S. JWs were urged to write the government condemning their persecution of JWs, and which ended up making the persecution worse?
    Is it possible that a mass mailing to this prosecutor (with whom it appears that Steven Unthank has crossed swords before) could in fact cause him to be EVEN MORE resistant to persuing this case in the courts?.....JW

    JW`s aren`t being persecuted..

    JW Children are being molested by JW`s..

    Your solution to an important court case being dropped is to do nothing?..

    Have a cup of coffee and rethink that strategy..


  • james_woods
    Your solution to an important court case being dropped is to do nothing?..

    Well, first of all - I didn't know that the case was being dropped...

    But, like cedars said - we certainly should make sure that what we send the prosecutor is respectful and rational.

  • james_woods

    And, to coninue my point: I don't know if Unthank really wrote this to the prosecutor:

    On the other hand, you have failed to protect these children, you have failed to serve justice, and you have failed to serve the community. The parents of these children have asked me to convey to you their abhorrence and outright disgust in you as a human being and as a public official because you never lifted your finger to help these children nor to serve the community. They have also asked me to inform you that they demand you immediate resignation as a violator of the human rights of these children.

    And, further - I don't know what the cultural aspects are in that part of Australia for sending such a message.

    But, if I sent such a thing to the DA here in Texas I would certainly get told to go to hell and not come back.

  • DT

    I sent this email.

    Dear Mr. John Chapman SC,

    I was recently made aware of your correspondence with Mr. Steven Unthank regarding the prosecution of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and other corporations for multiple violations of the Working With Children Act.

    You suggested that continuing that case was not in the public interest.

    I fail to see how the prosecution of serious crimes against children could not be in the public interest.

    This case has been intensely scrutinized by thousands of people around the world who care deeply about the protection of children. I am not an Australian citizen, but I will do what is in my power to continue bringing this case to the world's attention.

    You have an opportunity and responsibility to stand up for the rights of the children in your area. Failing to live up to this responsibility will put you in the same category as those who abuse children or look the other way.

    The world is watching! Be careful that your heartless (or careless) words about protecting children not being in the public interest don't come back to haunt you.

  • cedars

    james_woods - I'm not sure whether Steven really said those words either, but bear in mind that he has a lot invested financially and emotionally in this case. If he DID write that, then I can imagine him being close to tears at the time, and who can blame him?

    Like I said, I think we have nothing to lose in trying this. Everyone should put it in their own words, nothing generic or too robotic - but respectfully explain why throwing this case out is a deeply disturbing development, and that the world is watching.


  • james_woods

    That seems like a reasonable email, DT.

    We shall see what happens.

    At least, to the best of my knowledge, didn't the WTBTS back down and tell their elders to register as child workers?

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