The bible Cannon great article I found

by nugget 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    I think Terry's comments are facts that most of todays recognized Christians never seem

    to accept or realize. As far as the WTS. goes, what was previously arranged as the bible

    Cannon was all they needed for commercial exploitation purposes for their own expressive

    endeavorers. They really hold on to and create doctrines from Babylon the Great's bible .

  • tenyearsafter

    @trueone...Terry definitely makes some compelling points. I would still like to hear the JW rationale for accepting the Canon and rejecting doctrine that sprang from the same or similar Councils of that time period.

  • Sulla

    The rationale, such as it is, is similar to that offered my other fundamentalist Protestant groups. To over-simplify: The councils that established the works of the NT did not actually DO anything at all. They merely accepted what the church (defined as the loose group of people calling themselves Christians) always understood to be the inspired word of God. Basically, everybody already knew the four gospels were inspired and the Cathoics simply accepted what everybody already knew about which works were inspired or not.

    Of course, this is simply wrong. There almost certainly was a core set of writings that most churches read as part of the liturgy. However, there was some regional variation: lots of places read from the Shepard of Hermas on a regular basis, for example. There were considerable disagreements about the book of Revelation that have not been completely satisfied even today. In some places, gnostic or otherwise exotic texts were used: Protoevangelium of James or Acts of Peter or various gnostic works.

  • cantleave

    Basically, everybody already knew the four gospels were inspired


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Didn't you know cantleave? LOL

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Although pagans and Christendom are all evil and part of Babylon the Great they let themselves be used (unknowingly) by god's holy spirit to choose the correct spirit breathed books that Jehovah's Witnesses use today. All the rest are spurious even if they have been quoted by the canonised ones!

  • ProdigalSon

    Gnosis: Haunting the Powers That Be for nearly 13,000 years.....

  • designs

    That's why Fred Franz took pen in hand and wrote out the nasty disagreeable parts.

  • thetrueone

    I think Terry's comments are worth repeating, well at least for people who are inspired to be intellectually honest that is.

    Please think about this. THINK HARD!!

    The Watchtower Society says it bases its doctrine on the "correct" understanding of the bible.

    Yet, it changes and changes and changes as it is proved faulty, error prone and mostly ridiculous!

    Either the Holy Spirit, Jesus (now present since 1914) and the FDS anointed ones are making this stuff up or the

    writings they are basing it on is nonsense. Or both.

    What IS the bottom line?


    Since when do you base your entire life and even sacrifice it for ......OPINION???

    Here is your final thought:

    Ask yourself this one question.

    IF God Almighty wanted to preserve actual living truth in written words do you think He might have done a little better than

    "preserving" them in dump grounds, old rotting landfills, cracked and splitting jars in caves and archeological dumpsters?

    Just askin'.....

    Something smells......about this.........

    None of the Evangelical Fundamentalists (JW's included) assert that any copies are infallible text. They assert that the ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH documents were infallible.

    Isn't that comforting?

    I mean, since THERE AREN'T ANY!!!

  • Miah
    Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action - MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the "word of God" into existence.

    Blechhh, this BS myth again.....

    Rather than simply calling BS on a website simply trying to help other exJWs, perhaps it would be more helpful if you shared your sources that are more accurate than the historians at The History Channel and others. I'm certain the website was sincere in their attempt at accuracy, and doesn't want to further spread a "BS myth".

    Much appreciated.

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