The bible Cannon great article I found

by nugget 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sulla

    I don't know your opinion, can'tleave. Why do you say so?

  • Phizzy

    I bloody read that post twice Cantleave, and still I missed a typo, good job I'm so humble, or I would be upset.

    I agree that the Gnostic stuff sort of suits the WT mind set (should that have a hyphen Cantleave?) and some of the Gnostics more fanciful ideas were no worse than Chazzer Russells.

    After I had pointed out some of this stuff to a JW lady, that the bible ha no provenance etc, her husband told her not to talk to me anymore as I would "destroy her faith". Probably true that, as her faith is based on lies, falsehoods and a severe lack of information.

  • Terry
  • thetrueone

    The Gospels according to Thomas, Jade, James, Peter, and the Gospel of the Hebrews, of the Egyptians, of Perfection, of Judas, of Thaddeus, of the Infancy, of the Preaching of Peter, of the Shepherd of Hermas, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Pastor of Hermas, the Revelation of Peter, the Revelation of Paul, the Epistle of Clement, the Epistle of Ignatius, the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Nicodemus and of Marcion were all not considered inspired (or inspired enough). They did not get voted in. There were also the Acts of Pilate, of Andrew, of Mary, of Paul and Thecla, and many others. If the bishops at the Council of Laodicea in 365 had voted differently, millions of Christians would have believed differently.

    This begs the question; since Jehovah's Witnesses made their own translation of the Bible (The New World Translation), why did they accept the Bible canon as put together and voted on by Catholic Bishops and a Pagan emperor? It would only seem reasonable for them to make their own canon, and possibly include some of the missing books that were voted out by the Bishops. They highly tout the Dead Sea Scrolls as proving the bible had not changed, but you won't hear them mention that most of these missing books were also found in the cave with them.

  • Terry

    Here is a little mind experiment.

    Imagine a city dump. You've seen em. Miles and miles of refuse, garbage, litter, tons of layered crap dumped over many years on the outskirts of your city.

    Got that mental image in your mind?

    Okay, now let's imagine something.

    Stay with me.

    Imagine now that you want to perfectly preserve your most precious possession somewhere and that money is no object as to how you will store it, keep it, maintain it as pristinely as possible.....????

    Got that? HOW?

    Question, would you throw it or ALLOW it to be thrown into the that City Dump?

    Ridiculous, huh?

    Of course you wouldn't.

    And yet--we are asked to believe that the actual words of God Almighty had to be retrieved from just that sort of location in order for us to piece together the shreds into some kind of semblance of the MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT mankind has ever known!!

    The Apostles didn't guard it with their lives. 1st Century Christians didn't keep it and pass it along to preserve it. The Early Church didn't use the Power of Rome under Constantine to lock it away for all posterity.

    I'm not talking about COPIES! I'm talking about the real deal!

    No. Those authentic hand-written holy scribbles simply were NOT kept anywhere by anybody. They are gone gone gone.

    Bits and pieces. Here and there. Copies of purported copies OF copies--but, NO ORIGINALS were ever maintained, hidden, sealed up and guarded!

    The oldest tidbit is about the size of a postage stamp!!

    We here in the U.S.A. have our Founding Fathers letters, documents and official signatory declarations in museums for all to behold.

    The Magna Carta is kept for posterity in the U.K.

    But, the Holy Bible? Naw!

    Why? Ask yourself "why"?

    Even the Jews, known to all as the "People of the book" had to start from scratch in the time of the Maccabees cobbling together what they could

    and getting as many "scholars" together as possible to produce the SEPTUAGINT (greek translation) of the Holy Writings in the time of Ptolemy.

    Yes, it was Ptolemy who had the idea--not the Jews! Ptolemy wished to PERFECTLY PRESERVE the great books from all the nations of the earth in Alexandria's magnificent library.

    The Jews could not even READ their own writings in Hebrew, Accadian and Aramaic any longer!

    Am I getting this through to you??

    The actual written documents are AFTERTHOUGHTS and not autograph, original, uncorrupt, hands-on, official tangible evidence.

    So what?

    So, even in our own Courts of Law, best evidence is demanded--not copies, not facsimile in cases of dispute.

    Christianity is based on IMPUTED INTERPRETATIONS of......of......of.....

    Of what?

    Of, non-evidential facsimile word-of-mouth reproductions (by hand) over thousands of years HIGHLY INFLUENCED by belief systems at loggerheads

    with other beliefs!

    Please think about this. THINK HARD!!

    The Watchtower Society says it bases its doctrine on the "correct" understanding of the bible.

    Yet, it changes and changes and changes as it is proved faulty, error prone and mostly ridiculous!

    Either the Holy Spirit, Jesus (now present since 1914) and the FDS anointed ones are making this stuff up or the

    writings they are basing it on is nonsense. Or both.

    What IS the bottom line?


    Since when do you base your entire life and even sacrifice it for ......OPINION???

    Here is your final thought:

    Ask yourself this one question.

    IF God Almighty wanted to preserve actual living truth in written words do you think He might have done a little better than "preserving" them in

    dump grounds, old rotting landfills, cracked and splitting jars in caves and archeological dumpsters?

    Just askin'.....

    Something smells......about this.........

    None of the Evangelical Fundamentalists (JW's included) assert that any copies are infallible text. They assert that the ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH documents were infallible.

    Isn't that comforting?

    I mean, since THERE AREN'T ANY!!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    The WTS did not need to include any other books because they had everything they needed in the bible as it stood.

    What else did they need to control the masses? Works for most other 'christian' religions too. Like they say...if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  • tenyearsafter

    I have had the question of the Bible Canon in my mind for years (even as a JW)...forget why they didn't cobble together their own set of inspired books so that they could be "unique", my question for years has been...

    If you condemn Christendom, and Catholicism particulary, as being Babylon the Great (and thus from Satan), how can you accept and base your "true" teachings on something compiled by Satan?? I have never had someone who could explain that to me.

  • thetrueone

    Good point tenyearsafter

  • Leolaia
    Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action - MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the "word of God" into existence.

    Blechhh, this BS myth again.....

  • tenyearsafter

    I agree Leolaia...the credibility of an argument loses steam when you trot out myths as facts!

    Maybe you can weigh in on the reason JW's accept the Bible Canon when they reject other things brought forth by "Babylon the Great"?...have you come across this in your varied studies and research?

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