If THIS MAN were a Jehovah's Witness 2 million babies would be dead

by Terry 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods
    so how do u determine which babies we save, and which babies we kill off?

    Watchtower doctrine literally says kill them all - let YHWH sort them out.

    Glass half empty - glass half full? What if one of those babies saved by this man's blood factor discovers the cure for this disease (or cancer, or diabetes, etc.)?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea it's a stupid argument for a stupid doctrine.

  • Twitch
    What I mean is the man is neither a hero nor a sinner. He just IS.


    If this guy isn't a hero, tell me who is.

    If you had a baby with this disease, would you want the cure this man provided or would you let your baby die because it might grow up to be a killer?

    Carrying it further, every baby has the possibility of growing up to be evil. So why care about them at all?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think asking the parents of the children who were saved by this treatment would be a good idea

  • N.drew

    I am actually NOT the devil so I would NOT say to the parents of those children "are you sure he won't grow up to blow it up?" And I realize he is a hero to the families of those children. And if he has saved my child with his blood I would ask a blessing on him from HEAVEN. OK? Peace?

  • thetrueone

    Good catch Terry .

    Never under estimate the sins of men who believe they have a personal redeemer for their sins and the damage

    this kind of human social behavior can entail.

  • palmtree67

    I think the lesson here, Andrew, is:

    If you're going to play Devil's Advocate, choose a legitimate arguement.


  • N.drew
    what scripture is the command of no blood transfusions allowed found?

    The command is from men, not the Bible. I think that's established very well. I believe God, so I have wondered why God allows the Watchtower to be judge.

    so how do u determine which babies we save, and which babies we kill off?

    Thank god we are not the Judge.

  • infpalex

    Thank you for this info, totally going to share it with my online group of Ex-JW friends.


  • designs

    A JW would say the results have been falsified

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