If THIS MAN were a Jehovah's Witness 2 million babies would be dead

by Terry 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    James Harrison has magical blood.

    Specifically, his blood contains an extremely rare enzyme that can be used to treat babies dying of Rhesus disease. If you've never heard of that disease and figure it's not a big deal, well, wait for the numbers.

    Harrison, being a generous type, has donated his rare, life-saving blood roughly 1,000 times over 56 years. This has saved the lives of--seriously, you're not going to believe this--over two million babies around the world.

    "Yeah, two million. I'm hoping to hit three, but whatever. I'm in it for the babies."

    The whole thing is kind of a "pay it forward" situation for Harrison, who needed major chest surgery when he was 13-years old, and soaked up 13 liters of blood over the course of three months. "The blood I received saved my life so I made a pledge to give blood when I was 18." This has turned out to be the second most important vow in history.

    Not only is he continuing to save lives every day now that he's entering his twilight years, but his blood has also been used to develop a vaccine called Anti-D to keep those babies safe. Forever.

  • sir82

    Clearly he is the vilest of human beings and deserves to have his eyeballs zapped by a flaming lightning bolt thrown by Jesus Christ himself.

    So an honest, truly believing JW would say.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Jehovah is REALLY , I mean REALLY, gonna destroy that guy!!!!!!

    Gene Smalley and Fred Rusk probably shoot darts at this guy's picture on their wall with the loser having to play catcher in a game of Greenlees & Chitty.

  • Terry

    I think anybody who has JW's in their family should print the story and send it to them.

    This clearly exemplifies the honest harm of the blood policy of the Watchtower in a way nothing else comes close to doing!

    Ask your JW buddy: " Can you honestly tell me you would be willing to end the lives of 2 million babies or that Almighty God would approve"

  • botchtowersociety

    Jehovah is going to resurrect him 2 million times so he can kill him 2 million times.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    Those poor 2 million having to live in this sinful world because of this man. They could of passed on and not been stained buy this world. How unloving of him.

  • N.drew

    I shall play the devil's advocate because I'm too bold for my own good. Has anyone looked at the other side of that coin?

    The other side says are any of those babies rapists, serial killers or terrorists? I do not disagree with the man for donating blood. I just wish there was more balance in the souls of men.

  • Phizzy

    I read that inspirational story, some time ago, and went and donated blood. As a JW I had never done such a thing, it turns out my blood type is a little bit on the rare side,only 6% of the population have it, so it is always needed.

    I wish I could donate more often, but here in the U.K we can only do so every 16 weeks.

    It is great, as you donate, to see the number of people who put themselves out for strangers for no reward, there are lots of good people out there

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    I shall play the devil's advocate because I'm too bold for my own good. Has anyone looked at the other side of that coin?
    The other side says are any of those babies rapists, cereal killers or terrorists? I do not disagree with the man for donating blood. I just wish there was more balance in the souls of men.

    Ummmmmmmm...kayyyyyyyyyyyyyy........... on another note, kids do love cereal.

  • shamus100

    Wow, N.Drew,

    Those meds. Ya gotta take them!

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