What do you think of AOG church?

by shallbefree 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • lumper
  • lumper
  • Azazel

    Good for you shallbefree i'm glad you attended another religious meeting. Not really as bad as the WTS made us believe.


    I've been doing a lot of research into other "christian" religions to see what they are about. Of course i have been tainted by my upbringing as a JW but i'm getting free from the WTS doctrines. Having been on the end of DF practise i am very wary of any religion that feels that this is acceptable conduct as a christian.

    DF is an scripturally unsupported practise ( in context of whole NT).

    Seventh Day Adventists (William Miller basis of their teachings and of JW ) are very similar to JW but no longer DF members if they decide to leave.

    Christadelphians ( formed in the early 1800s )are very similar in belief and habits of JW ( dont vote, moral living, no military service etc) But they dont have an unscriptural Governing Body, rather each congregation follows their teachings from the Bible. The average church member would give a JW a run for his money in knowledge of the Bible,thay actually study it not teachings of an elite group.Sadly they practise shunning so i will give them a miss.

    Point of interest. Type Christadelphians into WT Library and their is only a couple of references from the early 1960's. The only article that attacks them is the W62 8/1 Christadelphianism. My observation of WTS practise is if they fear something or dont want the rank and file to know about or look into they dont mention them.The Mankind search for God doesnt mention the 7th day adventists or Christadelphians!

    Now the fact that the WTS never mentions anything about the "Free Bible Student" movements is an instant flag to me to have a look.Growing up we were always told that the ones who sort prominence from the WTS led others away and they dwindled into nothing. Typical WTS rhetoric to ignore the fact that many left due to WTS unscriptural doctrines. These groups of individual are all over the earth and have no GB and adhere to bible scripture,they give Jesus the rightful worship he deserves and do not practise shunning at all. Well worth the time to take a look at them on the net.

    I havent been to an actual service of theirs but my best mate in Germany is a free bible student now and he is happy with it. When i have been asked what religion i am i consider myself a free bible student because i study the bible with an open mind and consider my own opinion and the many excellent opinions of members of this forum( they are way smarter than me and i have learnt many things here). I am free from WTS.

    Once again shallbefree im glad you are here and wish you luck in your search of religion or whatever you choose to believe. Religion is a very personal thing, between you and God and no man or men should step between you and God.



  • bigmouth

    Yknot - "The people are 'nice' and 'quaint' folk but they don't seem to be emotionally balanced and functional human beings regarding spiritual matters and such high emotions often cause them to create unneeded trouble in their own lives and in others as they appear to be feeding off each others high emotions."

    I've met quite a number and Yknot's comment describes them to a 'T'. One worked for us and one couple I dealt with were the local pastor and wife team. The common denominator was the nutty, zoned out, rapid talk behaviour that seemed to block any rational thought or calm conversation.

    Some schizophrenics with the religion fixation are similar.

    BTW, the pastor and wife couple weren't too bad actually. I don't think AOG was their thing perhaps.

  • garyneal

    I know very little about Assemblies of God but I do know a thing or two about Churches of God. Lots of tongue speaking and 'prophesying' where people just begin shouting out as if G-d was talking through them whenever they felt like. Very disruptive in my opinion and it makes them sound like loons. When my wife and I visited my cousin's church, the man delivering the sermon spoke out against AOG even though this church was also Pentecostal.

    In some ways, I like the livelyness of the pentecostal churches but some go over the top for my tastes. To each his or her own.

  • steve2

    The AOG/Pentecostal cluster of religions has the primary "virtue" of making many JWs appear more sane and reasonable than they really are. Verdict: Avoid.

  • Violia

    We attended a non denominational Bible study at a Rec type center. The conductor was female and a part of a husband wife team. They read the Bible and I actually heard her say to someone that Andy Griffith from the old TV show practiced witchcraft b/c he manipulated folks on the show. My hubby and I looked at each other and well we never went back. I saw her at the center talking loudly about folks going to hell and how awful it was.

    I live in a smallish community that is very religious and Pentecostals ( we used to call them holy rollers) are prone to fighting and they most certainty kick folks out of the church. They are just as crazy as jws and if possible, crazier. I don't think they ban blood however, which makes jws take the top of the crazy list.

    Church of Christ around here do not celebrate Christmas or Halloween . Avoid 7th day adventists as they df too. Scientology goes without saying and well, Mormons are jws with more money.

    I've been told that Episcopalian, methodist, are pretty much Christianity lite. sounds good, just need community.

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