What do you think of AOG church?

by shallbefree 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    Pentecostal people scare me. Speaking in tongues, getting the holy ghost and crap, that would freak me out! I don't like services where there's a lot going on.

  • sizemik

    I don't completely agree with everyone here . . .

    Part of checking things out . . . is asking your friends and acquaintances for their experience and knowledge of the subject, also researching it . . . not just rolling up and checking it out to form a personal impression. Many become JW's by making the same mistake. Well done for asking.

  • NewChapter

    I'd go with Billie's suggestion. If it's community among spiritually minded people---who are perfectly okay with whatever you believe, Unitarian Universalists are pretty great that way. I wouldn't go anywhere near AOG, unless you'd like to trade one authoritarian group with another. At least in my area.

    I'm an atheist, but also felt that need for community---it was the only thing I missed about being part of a religion. So you can understand for me to recommend a church---it is one that is truly inclusive. I know it seems weird, but it works for me.


  • yknot

    My personal experience (as in went to a bible camp, visited a few churches, witnessed church politics first hand via association with pastor kids (friends with kids, secretly dated nephew), youth pastor kids (secretly dated son) and such--- and yes we are all still on fairly friendly chat at the grocery store terms.......

    Bible camp (was 18 told mom i was doing something else), high control tatics to induce feelings of bonding and fear like jacking up the heat when they were heading toward a 'charismatic moment'........ they even had the doors locked and told some baptist kids they couldn't leave when they got scared..... turns out saying your a JW pops the doors right open and you realize how freaking cool a 100 degree texas summer night is in comparison!

    Churches, lot of fake charismatic moments as in you could set your watch by Bro So and So going all 'tongues' , followed by Sister Fall Over in the Aisle convulsing a lil and speaking in tongues.....

    Local church pastor got jealous of youth pastor's influence, ugly split.......pastor ends up running off every new youth pastor every 2 years after that until he retires (really he is an emotional and jealous guy--- but his nephew was uber cute)

    Youth pastor moves on starts a 'bigger' AOG church 80 miles away, emotional drama politics become an issue and members start calling his house talking crazy demon talk as in identifying themselves as demons and speaking in tongues (que long talk with former youth pastor about how this religion seems to encourage over emotionalism and the imblances I was seeing). Former youth pastor agrees takes a week off to visit his hometown........ local members torch (yes as in arson) the church....Police sorted it all out and I remember one saying he never seen such nutters.

    At that point I had enough. This religion relies and foster unhealthy emotional responses, the charismatic stuff doesn't jive with me personally and I call it all a bunch of BS, but I did go on to date one more Charismatic boy but he was Catholic....ya funny charismatic catholics whoda thunk it!

    The people are 'nice' and 'quaint' folk but they don't seem to be emotionally balanced and functional human beings regarding spiritual matters and such high emotions often cause them to create unneeded trouble in their own lives and in others as they appear to be feeding off each others high emotions.

    Advice--- smile, be friendly but don't feed the AOGs they have a high tendencies to convulse, speak jibberish and then bite you....... unless you like high emotional drama....... if so then the AOGs are the social-spiritual answers to your prayers (but I am warning you they draw more misfits and crazies then us!)

    Unless somebody dies, I will never set foot in an AOG church again.

    Best wishes in your spiritual-social quest......


  • RayPublisher

    Shallbefree -I applaud you for exploring other churches and for asking people for their thoughts and advice. Take it...and then do what YOU think is right and good for you.

    Recently, I attended a Church of Christ service. This was only the second time I had EVER been to anything other than a Kingdom Hall. I went to their Sunday Bible study, and then the main Sunday service. I can say that the study was deeper than anything in a WT study (not saying much lol) and members freely commented, added to the discussion, etc. Then the service started and it was calm, reasoned, upbuilding and interesting. They passed the bread and wine and everyone partook- which was refreshing.

    What made me check them out is the fact that they do not have any hierarchy or central body that decide their creeds. Each congregation is autonomous and they only adhere to the Bible. I don't know if I'll ever join any church after what I have been through with the WT, but it was a nice experience.

    Good luck, I wish you well on your Christian journey.

  • Diest

    If you go you bringa frined.


  • steve2

    In the district I live in, Pentecostal churches - AOG ones in particular - are prone to attract lower income, less educated families. They are usually led by charismatic pastors - husband and wife teams are a distinct feature. They are also prone to divisions and lots of squabbles over power and control issues. Break-away groups are another feature. One of my colleagues has a neighbour who belonged to the local Samoan AOG church but left one night after another member was moved by the Spirit to declare the pastor and his wife to be playing into the Devil's hands by allowing the youth group to go to a local function unchaperoned. Overnight, the church split and the last I heard the break away group meets in homes and professes to be loyal to Christ by having a more literal interpretation of scripture on morals. None of this will surprise anyone who knows how unstable pentecostal membership tends to be.

  • DonutZ!

    Personally I think Pentecostals are just as crazy as JWs!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I've found Anglican people pretty friendly, quite family and community oriented.

  • shallbefree

    Wow friends I'm grateful for all your responses and comments. I must admit that I don't know much about Christianity other than the 'JW' version. Which is why I posted the question in the first place. I wouldn't want to end up .... as the saying goes ... from the frying pan into the fire. All your comments have given me something to think about, research and all. thank you.

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