What do you think of AOG church?

by shallbefree 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    I've found Anglican people pretty friendly, quite family and community oriented.

    I attended a few Anglican services and while the traditional churches might seem old-fashioned, the people are very friendly and not pushy when it comes to what you believe.

    I think an Anglican or Presbyterian church would be an easier transition to Christian religion for an ex-JW than a Pentacostal one.

  • designs

    I went to several churches after leaving, good experience to see first hand what's its all about and make a choice for the future. Religions are a business, they manipulate and play on emotions. Once you see them in action its easier to close the door on them all unless you really are needy and like to write checks to scam artists.

    Catholic (reverence for the Bishops is like the GB idolitry), Presbyterian (pompous ass ministers), Calvary Chapel ( OMG franchised christianity), AOG (good excuse to throw a tizzy fit in public)

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    And you thought the Watchtower was bad .... AoG and C&MA are crazies.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have a very low opinion of them. A long term classmate of mine had a father who was pastor of the AOG. This past month I spoke to a high school acquaintance for the first time in 40 years. We both recounted how we separately attended the church. Almost everyone from school was there so there were people I'd known since kingdergarten. The pastor kept hiking up the stress level. Soon people were on the ground, foaming at the mouth, pulling out thick chunks of hair, wailing how bad they were. Not one person I knew was bad. Quite the opposite. I prayed so hard for demons not to jump into me. My attention was riveted on the pastor. After enough time passed, he lowered the tension.

    The people thought the mass hysteria, psychic breaks were the Holy Spirit. Skirts were measured. It was 100x more controlling than the Witnesses. My classmates turned down Harvard and Yale to attend a nonacreddited Bible college. It is so much like the Witnesses with thought control and even worse with emotional manipulation.

    This is anectodal. I've never read an academic study of AOG. The girls in my class were there b/c they had crushes on the pastor's son.

    Not any choice ever for me. I'd rather be a Witness.

  • Londo111

    I had a Pentecostal schoolfriend who attended an AOG church. My apologies to any Pentecostals here, but I feel they are more of a cult than the Watchtower. They definitely employ the BITE system.

    I feel my schoolfriend was the consummate cult leader. He had me believing that they abounded in signs and miracles and that he witnessed fantastic happenings. That, along with the chararisma and emotional appeal, seduced me into joining him for a few months. He had me "speaking in tongues" and so forth. He kept telling me, "Don't think, just believe."

    In retrospect, I believe he may have been a compulsive liar who made up stories on the spot and actually believed them himself. There were no signs or miracles. Speaking in tongues was a sham…and according to Steve Hassan, a thought-stopping technique.

    I understand the need to fellowship with others who believe in Christ, but caution is definitely in order. Proceed with eyes wide open. Don't be seduced by emotional control or chararismatic leaders.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My chest was so tight when I attended. I was on the verge of a panic attack. The stress during the charismatic garbage builds to a frenzy, seemingly out of control. Regardless of belief, I see no reason why rational thought must be suppressed and hysteria with conversions induced. I saw it clearly induced. Maybe it is different at other places. I lived through 9.11 in downtown Manhattan. The tension at AOG was even worse in many ways.

    I think you should give it a try. The fit with me is not important. I urge you to leave in a respectful manner if you feel chest pains or other stress symptoms. I would make a grand tour of local religions. Doctrine is not so important to me as the character of the people in the community and whether they show agape love.

  • nicolaou

    Consider a life without church. I understand the need for fellowship, perhaps you could make a more positive use of your time by volunteering or doing some charity work. Maybe join a community group to improve your neighborhood?

    Think about it.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You wouldn't have to go to a church to size up AOG. Just check out this guy:


    Jimmy Swaggart

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Anybody remember this famous AOG duo?


  • ballistic

    Many years ago when I left I was very young and naieve, I guess I really was like a sheep without a shephard, and I ended up going for a session with the Scientologists! Talk about out of the frying pan, and into the fire!

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