The Preparation Directive

by Flat_Accent 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flat_Accent
  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    You mean "H"? As in Preparation H.

  • Flat_Accent

    ^bad post so i'll try again

    I got into a slight debate with my dad the other day, and of the range of issues we were talking about, he brought up 5 times that the 'society are preparing us, they are telling us to prepare for the end.'

    Later that same day I was going into the kitchen and my parents were discussing what to buy in case of an emergency - things like canned goods, lots of water etc. I asked them what the sudden rush for buying emergency goods was about (we live in England, very few natural disasters here). My mum informed me the Society had told them to have preparations in case of emergency.

    Obviously there's an e-mail or a letter that has gone round the congregations recently, so I'm interested to know what you have heard from your Witness relatives and friends about this new fear-mongering tactic?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    There was some big push along these lines after hurricane Katrina; the governing body are very US centric. There was a family I remember who had stacks of canned goods prepared for the great tribulation....back in the 1960s. Their children are in their 60s now, mum and dad long dead.

  • cantleave

    My mum stocked up on things in the 70's. I remember having loads of bog roll - she was obviously expecting a plague of stomach bugs!

  • Flat_Accent

    Well cantleave, if you tie that in with fatfreeks new light on this issue, we may be needing EVEN MORE toilet paper this time round.

  • transhuman68

    It's probably the Disaster Preparedness Information Form from 2006-2007. Maybe they are slow to hand them out,lol.

  • cofty

    Strange for the Uk though.

  • Flat_Accent

    That's what I thought, but I figure it must be a global message they've sent out regardless of the probability of disaster. They're just trying to scare those wavering witnesses back into servitude.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I remember that from a few years back. Just Ron took it to heart, so we now have 10 gallons of water in storage just in case. We always have enough food on hand to feed us for probably a month.

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