now wat??

by xtreemlyconfused17 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Welcome to the forum Sister xtreemlyconfused17!

    Glad you have joined and are willing to talk about things.

    Yes education is paramount to your independence!

    However until you can support yourself fully I strongly encourage you to be kind, patient, easygoing and tolerant of the believing JWs in your life. While tempting to tell all you have learned about the Organization, right now is not the time. The only thing you need to do is concentrate a safe passage into adulthood.

    Hold off marriage and motherhood until you have completed school and had a few years in the workforce.

    I know many on the forum will gladly share their knowledge, stories and publications in unveiling the lies of the Watchtower.

    I also agree that PMs should be kept to a minimum due to appropriateness of your age. .....(yes I am a mom).


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hello xtreemlyconfused17,and Welcome . Your are very lucky to be so young ,unbaptised ,and yet so aware . I agree it is frightening when your whole belief system comes into question .

    I was raised as a JW ,and then married a Witness ,and raised my three children in the religion . All my life (even as a child ) there were things about being a Witness that did not set well with me . Your circumstances may be different ,but for me growing up in the 1960's-1970's there was extreme FEAR instilled into Witness children . Fear of the END which was always just around the corner . Fear that any childish/teenage mis-step may cost me my eternal life . Fear I just wasn't good enough if I didn't pioneer ,sacrifice enough ect.. Feelings of fear ,guilt and never being good enough out weighed any belief or feeling of having a close loving relationship with a heavenly Father . I walked away from JW life at the age of 44 . It was the scariest ,but best decision I have ever made so far .

    Over the years many Witness teaching changed during MY lifetime .When this happened Witnesses chalk it up to mystical 'New Light' ...When in fact all it really is ,and has always been is Man's changing OPINION period . When years go by ,and the governing body (and anyone else ) can see the teaching just no longer makes sense THEY change it ! This is not direction from GOD ,it is simple human recognition that alterations have to be made . Seeing through this facade that the annointed are not something specially directed from God took years of life experience for me to see .

    You ask if all the annoited communicate with each other ... . My own Mother was a Witness since 1950 ,her Father was a Witness in the 1930's . She use to believe that the Annoited all reported to the Governing body ,but that is just not true ,it is a JW urban legend . Recent JW literature even speaks some what about how annoited have no special authority in a congregation ,I do not know the direct quotes ,but should be easy enough for you to look up in the cd -rom of articles . When I was young we were taught the number of annoited was sealed by 1935 ,so then the numbers of those partakeing at the memorial should naturally go down ,but if you look up the numbers what do you see ?

    It took me a lifetime to finally listen to my inner voice and look for answers . Those answers made sense because I had a lifetime of experience that collaborated what i was reading . Many of the topics you need answers for can be found using keywords under the search feature on this forum .

    You repeatedly ask about how or what you will worship is a journey ,there is no rush in answering that question ,and the answer entirely depends on you . You will find what works for one person does not work for another . Allow yourself not to worry so much about it, life is not Black and white like the JW dogma tends to teach .

    Before I left I was becoming so aware of how much emphasis was directed away from Jehovah and Jesus ,and directed instead towards the 'Faithful and Discreet slave". It was becoming clear to me I was worshipping an organization not God . It bothered me tremendously to realize when I was baptised in 1979 the questions I answered were a dedication in the name of God ,his Son and the holy spirit , yet by the time my kids got baptised the question had changed to say it is a dedication to the ORGANIZATION of JW's.......this is not in the Bible it is a man made decree to control people because your life is now dedicated to them .

    Good luck on your search

  • Quandry

    As to your questions.

    None of us go to the KHall anymore. We left because of the mistreatment, but when I found this site, many of my suspicions were confirmed. I had been upset about the many changes to the "generation" teaching. With the latest one, overlapping generations, their credibility has gone out the window.

    I still consider myself a Christian, because I admire the things that Jesus did on earth. My husband doesn't want to discuss religion at all, and says he no longer believes in anything. I am not sure where my daughter stands. I know for sure none of us believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are special people in God's eyes. I hope that God smiles on all humans, and will read the hearts of those who truly want to do good to their fellow man, regardless of their religious affiliation!

  • ziddina

    Oh, good grief....

    The "eggnog" showed up....

  • Norcal_Sun

    Xtreemlyconfused- u have a pm

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    @yknot u said "Hold off marriage and motherhood until you have completed school and had a few years in the workforce". Our thoughts are veeeeeeery different. Lol. But thaanx :) @troublemind :( i can imagine how u felt. I read somewhere bros n siss pouring themselves about the 1970s. I think its still is for many who dont know whats up, like me before. U said "life is not Black and white like the JW dogma tends to teach". Was used to waiting for instructions. 'looking for the right thing to do' has proven to me to be hard!:D. Thanks for the advice @quandry uuum 'mistreatment'? Mhh, soory. Do u mind us asking how? On our circuit convention they said 'we should take time to understand the new overlapping teaching'. i had never prepared that article and never understood a thing at the KH :) , now i know these, i wont even bother finding out. U said "i hope that God smiles on all humans, and will read the hearts of those who truly want to do good to their fellow man, regardless of their religious affiliation!" oommgg i feel the SAME WAY!!!! @norcal sun pm for u tooooo

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    i'm using mobile, i leave spaces but they dont appear after posting

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    [email protected] uuuum do u guys mind?!!!!!!!! I'm 17!!!!!! APRIL is on the corner!!!! Thank u

  • Fernando

    Hey xtreemlyconfused17!

    How has your journey been the last 3 months?

    Your questions suggest some comments on potential roadmaps in life might assist.

    Religion is a map which leads to the "god of religion" (Satan the devil).

    The full "unabridged gospel" or "good news" is a map with about 30 key markers. This map leads to a personal relationship with the "God of Abraham" through Jesus the ONE MEDIATOR between God and man.

    Anyone can find, follow and yield to this map.

    One way to get started could be to find and mark every occurrence of the phrase "good news" in the Bible.

    "habari njema" in Swahili according to|sw|good%20news

  • xtreemlyconfused17

    Hahah. Helow Fernando! 'ASANTE'! Well i was so psyched, read tooo much, and got into contact with one of the members here who tried 'REALY' hard to 'GET ME TO JESUS' and so i spent the three months trying to disaprove WITH EVIDENCE, but i guese the world outside the JW is too 'supernatural' for me, I GAVE UP. Lived for like a month as an atheist!!! No prayers. No bibles. No thanking god for nothing and try to follow my own concious. Hey things were waaay better :D. Then i missed God and started thinking about the beginig of all these confusions. Then i came back here :). Untill i get answers about the begining of everything (with no struggle this time), i'll just ignore Jesus! I mean.....he'll understand

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