Does God really have a Name?

by Flaming Seraphim 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LB

    At a San Francisco 49ers game I once saw a sign that said Joe Montana was God.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Farkel

    After much prayer and fasting, our Creator has personally revealed His Great and Holy Name to me. The Lord of Hosts has given me permission to reveal it and preach it in the entire inhabited earth for the purposes of a Witness and then the end will come. In fact, I'm instructed to preach it in the entire un-inhabited earth.

    God's name is.................



  • Danielson

    A memo to seraphim and Elijah the third, you guys are hilarious!You had me laughing my ass off with youre replies to each other! thanx for the pick me up Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional

  • jolly_green_giant

    Jim Morrison is GOD

  • Faraon

    What makes you think that there is a god?
    Why couldn't there be a goddess?
    Why not gods or goddesses?
    Why do people assume that the bible is the word of the only true god, if there is one?
    If you look at the bible without faith and religious prejudice you will note that the Jewish god should be in jail for crimes against individuals and humanity. Even Zeus was a gentler god.
    Why aren't we killing and burning animals to satisfy him?
    If his laws were so perfect, why don't we still stone to death our children? Why don't we sacrifice our daughters to him?
    We should keep on doing this crazy things if we believe in him. If his laws were perfect in the past, they should be perfect now.
    He was so powerful that he kept on killing dead animals over and over in Egypt. He kept his people fed with manah in the desert, but there were enough sheep to feed three million people in the desert at least once a year. People could not shit in the camp, but that camp had to be at least 20 miles in diameter. People in the center had to travel 10 miles each way to take a shit. They had to have camels, donkeys, and horses to move their belongings. Were these animals fed manah too?
    Talk about gullible.

    Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Farkel, one of my high school jock buds called his penis "Herman." Does this mean his penis was God?

    Just wonderin,

  • Zechariah

    Gods name is his reputation. The Bible prophecies that in the last days people will all come to know the name (reputation) of God. That he lone is the most high over all the earth. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He is our Crator and husbandy owner. He who is all these things by any name is still the Creator.

    God by whatever name he is called is that which he is the Most High and Creator of us all. There is no no humanlike vanity God attaches to a formal name. He is everyones Most High God whether we call him Allah, Jesus, Jehovah, or Higher Power.

    When one fully realizes that such a entity as the creator truly exists then he becomes a knower of the name of God.

    It is interesting that in the time of the nation of Israels captivity to Egypt Moses went to Pharoah and proclaimed Jehovahs demand he let his people go. Pharoah replied "Who is this Jehovah that I should let his people go". So Pharoah knew very well what the Israelites called their God but he did not know Gods name (reputation) whereby he respected who he was.

    Concentration on the literal name of God only divides all those who would be his people by their belief.


  • Faraon
    After much prayer and fasting, our Creator has personally revealed His Great and Holy Name to me. The Lord of Hosts has given me permission to reveal it and preach it in the entire inhabited earth for the purposes of a Witness and then the end will come. In fact, I'm instructed to preach it in the entire un-inhabited earth.

    God's name is.................



    No wonder women outnumber men in the troof:

    each of them thinks that god is Her Man.

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