What Prince Doing these days?

by Patriot 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Patriot

    Really,...What is he doing? Does he go to all his meetings and comment at them? And if he does, what do they call him? "Brother Prince..you had a comment?"

    The brother formerly known as Prince?

    Does he go out on service? What would you do if you saw him at your door without his spandex or his high heeled boots? Would you go ahead and take the mags. because its him?

    What about the book study? That has got to be a real trip. Could you imagine him going to someones home every week? There has got to be photographers all over him (from at least the gossip newspapers).
    Or do you think he gets a free pass for bookstudy because he's Prince?

    Why do you think he bacame a witness? Was it that he's going through what a lot of rich and famous people go through? the feeling of "emptyness" because you have no spiritual life?

    These are probably stupid things to talk about, but I just got up this morning wondering about how he's doing as a Jw.

    Anyone in his hometown or Congo?
    I tell you though, a pool party at his house has got to be 'da Bomb!
    ..."hey everyone..Prince said that after service this morning we can all go to his house...yippeeee!!"

  • ThiChi

    "The brother formerly known as Prince?"

    Thats a good one, man, I'm rolling...stop. no, keep going!

  • zugzzwan

    Perhaps the WTS could invite him to Bethel so he could work on a new song book.

  • VioletAnai

    He got married to a lovely, pious jw girl in Minnesota. Auw, sweet!!!

    I've got lots of luv to give, but no one wants it! - Mona.

  • ThiChi

    Looking at Jws like Michael Jackson and Prince, you sure can get away with a lot when you got cold hard cash.

  • Gopher

    Well Patriot,

    Read this post, you'll see he married a JW gal on New Year's Eve: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=21109&site=3#262479

    Also, his mother died last week, so he's currently mourning that (go to the second section of the following story): http://www.startribune.com/stories/670/1637023.html

    He's also trying to figure out how to divide his father's estate: http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/1638662.html

    And he does attend a suburban Minneapolis congregation. As fellow Minnesotans, rest assured that Harmony and I keep close tabs on this diminuitive singer, waiting for the day he drops out of the "truth" so we can invite him to one of our Minnesota apostofests!!!

    J.R.Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • peaceloveharmony

    hehe gopher, i just read those last two stories you posted on the way home from work today :):)

  • Kep

    I wonder if Marilyn Manson will be their next convert....

    Now there would be some real kick ass songs in their books !!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    He joined the JW cos it makes sensational news. If he became a Scientologist...then he wouldn't stand out from the other famous names. The thing is...it will make sensational news when he gets DF or falls out...i'll have my nose up to the screen to see what he has to say about the borg then....cos they don't make us sign confidentiality agreements when we get baptised...and wouldn't the testimony from a famous artist make great reading.

    *wondering if he still shaves his eyebrows*

    *wondering if he wears those pants to the meetings with no arse*

    *wondering if he shows off when he sings kingdom melodies*

    *wondering how much he donates to the kingdom hall fund*

    *wondering if anyone is going to tell me to shut up now*

  • terafera

    You know what's so funny is I was madly in love with Prince growing up...it's who I wanted to meet so bad! I had the biggest crush on him..then I met a jw girl who was from Minnesota and said a former guitarist for Prince was in her cong and told her Prince studied.

    I figured it was rumor until it actually happened...he got baptized!! He was married to some girl a few years ago.. wondered what happened with that?

    It's weird, but "Prince" and "JW" just doesnt mix! I wonder if he will ever get tired of the b.s.??? He seems to be a free spirit.. that doesnt seem to mix well with the Society's views!

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