Do you have an interest in Evolution?

by snare&racket 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • N.drew

    N.drew you feel you can promote the ancient Jewish god without having to explain his origin and yet dare to question us for discussing facts because we can't currently prove life's origin. They are pointing out your hypocrisy that's all. We don't actually want your opinion on an ancient mythical scroll from he deserts of the middle east. s&r

    I was responding to this post:

    How could God's spirit be moving over the surface of the waters in Gen 1:2 when there was no sun yet to heat the earth? The "water" would have been frozen solid, like on Jupiter's moon, Io.

  • ziddina
    "Please don't use this thread for debating ancient myth. Keep on topic. ..." Snare&Racket

    Aw, no fun!!!

    [grumble, grumble...] I guess I'll have to go looking for more decent, science-based books on the subject of evolution...

    Since we're on the subject of an INTEREST in the subject of evolution [grumble grumble...]

  • N.drew

    The interest I have in evolution has to do with how people use it against believers in God. You all say you love it so but you did turn it into a weapon.

  • ziddina

    From this website [amazon books]:

    "A great list of books to start with...

    The list author says: "Here are a few books that I recommend to learn more and understand more about the concept of evolution, especially macroevolution (evolution of large organisms)."

    1. Survival of the Sickest: The Surprising Connections Between Disease and Longevity (P.S.) by Jonathan Prince

    The list author says:
    "This is a great book showing how disease has evolved to keep infecting humans, and how humans have evolved to fight off disease. It is a constant struggle that neither side has yet won."

    $8.95 Used & New from: $3.00

    2. The Origin Of Species: 150th Anniversary Edition by Charles Darwin

    The list author says:
    "The original work on the mechanism of evolution written by Charles Darwin and published in 1859."
    $6.95 Used & New from: $2.04

    3. Parasite Rex Parasite Rex (with a New Epilogue): Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures by Carl Zimmer

    The list author says:
    "A great book about parasites and how they have evolved to continue to be able to inhabit and live off of organisms, even when the organisms evolve to try to stop them."

    $9.72 Used & New from: $5.18

    4. The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley

    The list author says:
    "A challenging history of evolution which explains the Red Queen Paradox - we run faster and faster and faster just to stay in the same spot - meaning organisms constantly evolve so that they can continue to survive and reproduce."

    $10.19 Used & New from: $5.00


    The list author says:
    "A great book explaining Darwin's theory of evolution, its implications and how it relates to today."

    $11.17 Used & New from: $3.73

    6. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins

    The list author says:
    "While I have not read this book, this one is one that was recommended to me, and one that I have on my list to read shortly! Richard Dawkins is an expert on evolution!"

    $9.52 Used & New from: $4.00

    7. Why Evolution Is True by Jerry A. Coyne

    The list author says:
    "Another that I have not read, but have heard of. Supposed to have some very interesting facts and ideas to support the claim on the cover!

    $10.90 Used & New from: $9.21

    And there are more if you go to that link...


  • ziddina
    "And to add to Ziddina's list...
    How could God's spirit be moving over the surface of the waters in Gen 1:2 when there was no sun yet to heat the earth? The "water" would have been frozen solid, like on Jupiter's moon, Io. ..." jws

    psst!!! JWS!!

    GREAT point! Thanks! I'm definitely going to add that to my list!

  • ziddina
    "The interest I have in evolution has to do with how people use it against believers in God. You all say you love it so but you did turn it into a weapon. ...." N.drew

    Hey, nancy!!

    Start a thread on THAT subject!! [but be prepared for a hot debate, 'cause atheists really don't "use it against" believers; we use it to disprove dangerous delusions...]

  • tec

    [but be prepared for a hot debate, 'cause atheists really don't "use it against" believers; we use it to disprove dangerous delusions...]

    Some atheists do just that, Zid. Because it is apparently not enough for me to say that I accept evolution (even like it). I must THEN go on to believe that it disproves God. (the Father of Christ, just so you know which god I'm referring to, since you like to make a point of asking that question,lol)



  • ziddina

    Heh, heh...


    Have I mentioned Exodus 19: 16-19 to you before???

    Hee hee hee hee....

  • tec


    Yes, you have.

  • Phizzy

    To use the fact of evolution to disprove god is simply not possible, so anybody who tries to do that is muddled in their thinking.

    Many many of the things science has proven show that any literal interpretion of the whole of the Bible is extremely silly, but the existence of supernatural beings is a totally different area of debate, and I think it is almost troll like of N.Drew to try to derail this excellent thread, start your own threads.

    I appreciate the thread, and the suggestions for further reading, I have read a number of the books mentioned, but still feel the need for further education, so thanks S&R and other posters, boy am I going to be busy !

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