Do you have an interest in Evolution?

by snare&racket 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    LOL Zid. You're the resident Rock Expert. I have a hard enough time grasping the fundamentals of evolution---because the JW's have stunted the science section of my brain---but one day, I hope to be as good as you on those things. They fascinate me, but I only have so much energy!!!

    You are like our own personal Hodgins---from Bones. I mean, if you ever watched that TV show. And, like, if you haven't, well then, I guess, I'm like, just a geek.


  • snare&racket

    Sorry I attempted to highlight verses 7 and 19, that clearly put man before animals x

  • cofty

    Hutton started life as a farmer in South West Scotland - Burn's territory (happy Burns night by the way). He took an amateur interest in geology so he was battling the tide of orthodoxy when he challenged the young earth supposition.

    The Man Who Found Time

    Its really fascinating to stand and stare at the very rock that settled the argument. I can only imagine the eureka moment when he first saw it. How a young earth creationist can look at that picture and not wonder if they may be mistaken is beyond me. It is on the road between my house and Edinburgh. I dragged my kids up there one day when we were on our way to a day out. I was in awe - my kids were like, "great, can we go to the shops now" - Philistines!

    snare&racket I'm sorry I don't know much about fossil hunting in England. I remember a documentary where Dawkins took a class of school children to a public beach and helped them find fossils. I wil see if I can find out.

  • ziddina

    Hah!! Silly me, Snare&Racket; I was only paying attention to the FIRST version of the 'creation' account...

    I keep forgetting how much the bible contradicts itself within its own pages...

    Hah, New Chapter, but I got that information about the significance of Hutton's contribution to earth sciences TOTALLY wrong!!!


  • snare&racket

    No problem x

  • jws

    N. Drewwrote:

    I can't believe that people get puffed up about the superiority of evolution that disproves creation, but they can't even explain how life first started. I think the atheists on board call it kettle black. How can you separate the two and come out looking like you can teach it?

    If the earth shows evidence of a designer, wouldn't that designer have to have a designer? If God created the earth and all the life on it, how does the Bible explain God's existence? Who created God? How can you say he was "just there"? You're saying he just came out of nothing?

    And to add to Ziddina's list...

    How could God's spirit be moving over the surface of the waters in Gen 1:2 when there was no sun yet to heat the earth? The "water" would have been frozen solid, like on Jupiter's moon, Io.

  • N.drew

    The only attribute of the Bible that I am sure about is it is descriptive of spiritual things. The reality that is unseen between people, between heaven and Earth and within time are described by the language of the Bible. I do not know how much is literal, I suspect not much of the OT is. From my point of view the NT is relatively recent history. Most of it is genuine, if not all. All of Revelation is true prophesy. I am watching it unfurling.

  • snare&racket

    Please don't use this thread for debating ancient myth. Keep on topic.

    N.drew you feel you can promote the ancient Jewish god without having to explain his origin and yet dare to question us for discussing facts because we can't currently prove life's origin. They are pointing out your hypocrisy that's all. We don't actually want your opinion on an ancient mythical scroll from he deserts of the middle east.

    Have you ordered the book you asked for yet? Will you read it?

  • tec

    Christ is the light. (first day) Not the sun, moon, stars.

    I don't know about the rest. But I used to wonder about the conflict between day one light and day (4?) sun, moon and stars too... but there was no conflict. Just a more spiritual meaning, than fleshly. Could be similar as to the others.



  • tec

    Just read this page; not the request in the op about not discussing anything... just offering books on the subject of evolution. Sorry. For the record, I find evolution/adaptation very intersting. And cool, if that unscientific term is allowed ;)



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