Agnosticism / Atheism / Theism

by Twisty 36 Replies latest members private

  • ziddina

    " Does this help? You could always be a neo-polytheist..... " transhuman68


    That's MY line!!!

  • ziddina
    " Scholars were teaching the spherical earth theory WAY before Genesis was penned (about 5 BC according to most scholars...where as spherical earth theory was taught by Plato at least 400 years BEFORE Genesis was penned and the thought didn't begin with him...."

    Actually, Mobidzbaby, there was a thread a while back that discussed that scripture extensively - Leolaia, our resident bible scholar, weighed in on the subject...

    It turns out that the Hebrew word used in that scripture that states 'god' dwells above the "circle" of the earth, is referring to a DISK, not a "ball" shape...

    In other words, the Israelites believed in a FLAT earth, as did most of their contemporaries like the Babylonians, the Hindus, and so on....

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    In other words, the Israelites believed in a FLAT earth, as did most of their contemporaries like the Babylonians, the Hindus, and so on....

    LOL zid...thats another bible study lesson undone...a disc world!!!...LOL

    *by the way....HI *

  • transhuman68

    Yeah, I was thinking of you Zid, except you seem to have become an evolutionist- are you trying to anger the gods?

  • OnTheWayOut

    “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”

    ? Marcus Aurelius

  • freydo

    Those who claim that you can't prove that the Bible is not factual are like people who claim that the Holocaust is a myth.

    They want to establish their own mythology without recrimination.

  • ziddina

    " Yeah, I was thinking of you Zid, except you seem to have become an evolutionist- are you trying to anger the gods? ..." transhuman68

    Hey, Transhuman, I've always been a huge fan of "chaos"... [Well, only when it suits me, but for the sake of argument....]

    So, in the spirit of "chaos", I've decided to be a "NeoPolyTheist Atheist"!!! [Ta Daaaaa!!]

    Hope that doesn't sprain anyone's brain - though I hold out no hope for freydo...

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