Agnosticism / Atheism / Theism

by Twisty 36 Replies latest members private

  • binadub

    Personality type has little to do with whether a person is nontheist, atheist, theist, or religious. I have friends of numerous personality types (Jung and Briggs-Myers) in all three classifications that you inquired about. I am usually INTP, but in some quizzes I come out INTJ. I've independently studied the aspects of religion from various secular perspectives and have concluded that biblical Christianity (not organized religion) has more comparative viability than most people realize, especially those who have been drawn to anti-religion. But it is an intensely involved subject, just like evolution is, and it just cannot be justifiably addressed in a forum post.


  • InterestedOne

    binadub wrote:

    concluded that biblical Christianity (not organized religion) has more comparative viability than most people realize

    What do you mean by comparative viability? Compared to what? Can you recommend any books that would help a beginner to see why you have reached this conclusion - perhaps something analogous to the various books people have suggested about evolution for the novice?

  • Twisty

    Hi, been getting busy as of late.

    InterestedOne: Dawkins and Hitchens..noted thanks.

    Terry: Not surprisingly that makes sense, I need to arm myself better to understand the knowledge presented I will definitely look at Epistemology, it might deserve another thread but I left the formal education system when I was 12, but I'm keen on making my way towards University.

    thetrueone: So ancient set forth ideas of origin of life in an attempt to explain their own existence, and these evolved and still evolve today. Dominant world powers obviously having an advantage in the growth and spread of their particular brand of ideas on existence. Its really an interesting subject in itself, I recall looking at a thread on the origin of YHWH with leolaia and meqabber I think, the little I absorbed made sense.

    OTWO: " If I accept the label "Atheist" it means what I feel it means. " I agree 100%. If I ever had to label myself an Atheist it would mean to me that I don't believe there is a God and there isn't a chance it could be proven otherwise. So if it is impossible to prove a Negative I wouldn't ever be able to label myself an Atheist because of what Atheism means to me.

    I like how the Gentleman below puts it.

    Thomas Henry Huxley defined the term:

    Agnosticism is not a creed but a method, the essence of which lies in the vigorous application of a single principle... Positively the principle may be expressed as in matters of intellect, do not pretend conclusions are certain that are not demonstrated or demonstrable.

    So if I couldn't demostrate the existence or Non-existence of God to myself I would have to be Agnostic.

    Sorry for the Copy/Paste, but if found this enlightening, where Dawkins classifies himself as an Athiest but expresses his Agnosticism. So once again what the label means to you.


    According to Richard Dawkins, a distinction between agnosticism and atheism is unwieldy and depends on how close to zero we are willing to rate the probability of existence for any given god-like entity. Since in practice it is not worth contrasting a zero probability with one that is nearly indistinguishable from zero, he prefers to categorize himself as a "de facto atheist". He specifies his position by means of a scale of 1 to 7. On this scale, 1 indicates "100 per cent probability of God." A person ranking at 7 on the scale would be a person who says "I know there is no God..." Dawkins places himself at 6 on the scale, which he characterizes as "I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable, and I live my life on the assumption that he is not there", but leaning toward 7. About himself, Dawkins continues that "I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden." [40] Dawkins also identifies two categories of agnostics; Temporary Agnostics in Practice (TAPs), and Permanent Agnostics in Principle (PAPs). Dawkins considers temporary agnosticism an entirely reasonable position, but views permanent agnosticism as "fence-sitting, intellectual cowardice."


    Morbidzbaby: Thanks for your response, of course its each ones journey and I can't say where mine will lead. We all carry Bias with us hopefully at some point I will come to a conclusion although I doubt it will be black and white, cut and dry it might be more what it means to me.

    binadub: In hindsight my personality type isn't very relevant but it was mentioned to give posters that respond an idea how I view things and arguments or ideas presented in a rational or logical manner will have more effect than a personal opinion or strong viewpoint thrown in randomly. Also If you could mention the secular perspectives I could note them down for later, aswell in what way do mean viable?

    Thank you for all the responses, i will book mark the thread and work through the info given as time permits.


  • tornapart

    Twisty. I found this very interesting. A group of scientists who got together to discuss the things they had discovered in their profession and whether they still believed in Evolution or whether they had changed their ideas based on what they found. It's worth watching.

  • transhuman68

    Does this help? You could always be a neo-polytheist.....

  • freydo

    "The short answer is no. A good number of Atheists are open to being proven wrong...with solid, concrete, irrefutable proof. Not "Well, Jesus came to me and..." or "I prayed to god and I was cured of cancer"... But real SOLID PROOF. We are open to being proven wrong...very much so! A good number of us would change our tune in the face of such evidence because EVIDENCE (or lack of) is what we base our Atheism on. But as of yet, no such proof exists. Therefore, we remain Atheists, but are always open to being proven wrong."

    All one has to do is read Scripture, instead of trying to interpret it to their lilking and then concluding it doesn't make sense and then following some nonsense, wanting to believe lies rather than fact, and thinking themselves wise.

    Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world YHWH’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

    I was thinking about the hierarchy of the reliigion of Atheisim and putting faces to it. Thought about the TV program MASH.


    HEATHEN - Colonel Flagg

    EDUCATED IDIOT - Major Winchester

    TOTAL MORON - Frank Burns

  • Morbidzbaby

    @ freydo~ All one has to do is read Scripture, instead of trying to interpret it to their lilking and then concluding it doesn't make sense and then following some nonsense, wanting to believe lies rather than fact, and thinking themselves wise.

    Says the person who deigns to call Agnostics "Ignoramus"... Interestingly, a large number of them are educating themselves and therefore do not fall under the "Ignoramus" category. Nice try, though.

    It isn't the "thought" that it doesn't make sense. It's the FACT that it can't be PROVEN to be true. First off, I don't think myself wise. There is a lot to learn on this little blue ball we call Earth and I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of it...but way to project your own feelings onto others. Good job! Where you are lacking in understanding is that I (and many Atheists) HAVE read "scripture" and concluded from actual research that it's complete and utter bullshit. Even the scientific aspects of the Bible fall completely short of what we know to be true and what has been PROVEN to be true. I'm not going to believe some 2000 year old bullshit book that can't even get simple things correct. Excuse? I'm not looking for one. I'm looking for PROOF. I don't "believe lies rather than fact". You cannot claim the Bible is fact. You just can't. Because if it WAS fact, there would be irrefutable proof to back it up. On the contrary, I believe the things that can be proven, not the "lies" that are passed off as truth by the religious who WANT to believe. My critical thinking skills refuse to allow me to blindly follow.

    Here's a task for choose a FACT that you can PROVE from the Bible. Go ahead. Jesus existed? Nope. No concrete proof. There is a god? Nope. No concrete proof. Angels came to earth and screwed women producing giants? Nope. No concrete proof. A global flood occured? Nope. No concrete proof. Find me something that is FACT (besides the Hebrews being a people...remember, half the bible is their history and their fables mish-mashed with newer "Christian" texts to give the illusion of continuity and harmony). Even the concept of the "circle of the earth" and how that somehow "proves" the bible is inspired from god is faulty... Scholars were teaching the spherical earth theory WAY before Genesis was penned (about 5 BC according to most scholars...where as spherical earth theory was taught by Plato at least 400 years BEFORE Genesis was penned and the thought didn't begin with him).

    As for your snarky "MASH" comparisons, your ignorance is might want to take care of that with some actual facts and knowledge. Just a suggestion.

  • binadub


    binadub wrote:
    concluded that biblical Christianity (not organized religion) has more comparative viability than most people realize
    What do you mean by comparative viability? Compared to what? Can you recommend any books that would help a beginner to see why you have reached this conclusion - perhaps something analogous to the various books people have suggested about evolution for the novice?

    The Bible compared to secular history and archeology.
    I wish there were some specific books to recommend, but my personal study, or quest, has been to delve into several relevant academic fields and make my own comparisons. These include: the history of civilization, the archeology of Israel, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and evolution. I sought university level information where there was no agenda or bias, just information based on discovery.

    If I were going to recommend a starting point for a beginner, it might be to Google "history of civilization Mesopotamia" and "Cradle of Civilization" and "First Cities". Also "History of Civilization Sumer".

    As I stated, the subject is far too complex to be addressed in an Internet discussion thread. I ordered "Foundations of Western Civilization" from the Learning Company. I have a course on Archeology from the Learning Company as well, and one of the last books on evolution by Stephen Jay Gould ("Book of Life"). I have visited the Talk Origins (atheist Web site) and considered the arguments pro and con on evolution by atheists, believer scientists, and those who support the theory of "Intelligent Design." As for the Bible, I've read much of it on my own, not from the perspective of any denomination, and I see it from a different perspective than the churches do, influenced a great deal by my other secular investigation.

    That's about all I know to say about it in brief.


  • ziddina
    "Maybe the only difference between Agnosticism and Atheism is the strength in the belief of your own rightness?..."

    Noooooo, that's not the way it worked for me....

    I've mentioned this before - ad naseum - but when I was just a little kid, I figured out that the Israelites were actually worshipping a volcano as a manifestation of their "god"... [Exodus 19: 16-19]

    That totally destroyed any belief in the bible's Middle-Eastern "god" as being "real", for me - not that I had the freedom to walk away, at the tender age of 7 - 8 years old...

    My parents spent the next 13 years hitting me, kicking me, slapping me, belittling me, and in general bullying and intimidating me into the cult... Well, in their case, it was 'like cult leaders; like cult followers'...

    Of course, when I grew up and got away from the JW cult mentality and began to find out just HOW Middle-Eastern the origins of the bible were - and also got to observe Middle-Eastern men up close...

    Gaaaahhh!!! UUUUgh!!! Let me tell you, that totally killed ANY idea that the "god" of the bible was a 'real' god...

    And then when I began doing the RESEARCH on religions, especially how OLD the pre-biblical religions and forms of worship were???

    There's NO WAY that a 3,500-year-old Middle-Eastern male volcano "god" could POSSIBLY be "real", if the 5,000-year-old gods and the 15,000-year-old gods and the 60,000-year-old godDESSES and the 200,000+ year-old GODDESSES weren't 'real'...

    Besides, as I've always said, the most likely candidate for the "true deity" won't be the YOUNGEST god on the face of the planet; it's most likely to be the OLDEST god - actually, GODDESS - on the planet...

    Which completely eliminates the bible god.

    Once a person researches the origins of the bible itself, they stop believing in ANY form of "god" or "goddess"...

  • Twitch

    Thank you transhuman. Dats some funny sh|t, lol

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