Things You Wished You Told the Elders (OR DID TELL THEM)!!!

by OnTheWayOut 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    I showed one uber elder photocopies of a number of the WT's false prophecies and crazy teachings that they've abandoned and asked him to explain how the organization could have ever taught such things if they were really Jehovah's spirit directed channel of communication.

    He denounced them all as apostate literature and compared them to garbage and pornography.

    I asked him, "When does WT literature stop being the truth and turn into apostate literature, garbage, and pornography and how does that happen?"

    I never did get an answer.

    He stormed out of my house and never talked to me again.

  • SixofNine

    true story: my ex threw her bible at an one of the elders on her JC as she left, having been df'd w/o any of them opening the bible even as a formality.

  • baltar447

    SixofNine, Good for you EX! LOL

  • 3rdgen

    Years ago there was a sister in hubbies former hall who got tired of all the hypocracy. She started making copies of WT articles, underlined with bright highlighter the points that applied, and placed it under the windshield of the offending Elder or MS during the meeting. Of course, those on the receiving end were embarassed and angry but they had no idea who was doing it.

    Talks were given denying or difusing their failings as well as lambasting the person placing the articles. This went on for over 2 years before she was found out and hauled to the back room. She was disfellowshipped for counciling a brother.

  • MrFreeze

    I told them I was never going back to another meeting. That filled me with immense joy.

  • blondie

    I considered it would all be pearls before SWINE.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Please leave me alone.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Iamallcool, cool.

    finally awake, it might have hurt her to hurt him. I kinda like young women workin' it.

    Morbidzbaby, good example of a hypocrite. Thanks.

    The Wanderer, thanks for sharing your inconsistent judgement story.

    Entirely Possible, great story of how they think they can question you. The public is welcome.

    Morbidzbaby, good answer.

    just Ron, thanks. I hope saying it helps.

    Ding, if that kind of stuff worked, he'd be here.

    SixofNine, tragic story. Thanks Baltar447.

    3rdGen, what a story.

    MrFreeze, you are a great prophet.

    Blondie, I have to agree.

  • MrFreeze

    OTWO, all of my prophecies have come true so far. I have a much better religious prediction rate than the JW's by a long shot. Granted, this was my only prediction but I'm batting 1.000.

  • lilbluekitty

    What I'd like to say: "So *I'm* evil because I wore pants to my last meeting! You people should have been happy to see me since it had been weeks since I'd last gone to a meeting but you all treated me like crap for simply not wearing a skirt. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

    There's more I'd like to say but it wouldn't be nice.

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