Do you feel sorry for those that are still in.

by jam 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I encountered this at my door with some JWs who insist Judas wasn't present for the Last Supper. John implies and Luke outright states that Judas was present when the bread and wine were blessed and passed. However, the JW version is that Judas left beforehand. They give their timeline and jump around in the Gospels to get the scriptures they want in the order they want them in. They similarly jump around in Mat 24 to get the order of events they want. JWs don't even bat an eyelash the blatant lies, because they're relying on the Watchtower to dumb it down for their defective, idiotic brains to slowly digest.

    This point is one of the main things that really bothered my husband. It really highlighted for him how the WTBTS was not honest about what the bible actually says.

  • winstonchurchill

    I'm in. Don't feel sorry for me. At least not for being a JW. A nominal one if you will. Do you feel sorry for Catholics? I do, for some of the blindly following every directive about birth control, or defending the curch on the child abuse issue. But most of them go to curch once in a while and couldn't care less about what the pope says.

    Well the number of JW's doing just that, is growing and growing. Some seem to be expecting the JWs to 'implode', or dissapear overnight. Some expect them to be exposed and denounced on the front page of the Times. It ain't gonna happen. What is going to happen (it is happening in my opinion) is JW going mainstream, becoming just another religion. Elders COs just don't know what to do abou attendance dropping. Field service is a joke. On those two key issues they are lowering standards. Less meetings, less magazines to read. Yes, the GB will remain lashing out and getting tougher.But regular JWs are just not listening, or just don't care.

  • flipper

    WINSTON CHURCHILL_ Interesting perspective from someone still " in " the Witnesses. I have a question for you out of my sheer morbid curiosity- What percentage of JW's do you feel think the way you described ? Are most Witnesses just ignoring the governing body and hardline information now ? And is it just a smaller percentage of hardliner, fanatic Witnesses who are seriously following the aggressive information in the WT these days ? What's your take on this ? I'm interested because I haven't attended in over 8 years. I'm wondering what the percentage of nominal JW's there are these days. Thanks, look forward to your takes

  • winstonchurchill


    More than you think. I can't take a guess in terms of percentage, but many old timers are just slowing down, taking it easy. There will always be hard-liners, and BTW, they love seeing other 'slow-down' as this empowers them and feeds their self-righteous nature.

    A couple of years ago, WT indicated it was not appropriate tol hold hands or embrace your spouse during prayer. Just go to any KH. everybody does it. When joking about it, some have even said they didn't have that habit, but now they do just to be rebels. I for one, almost make out with my wife during prayers.

    We have our meetings Saturday,and over 6 COs have demanded we go go out to preach sunday mornings. Not happening. They just stop trying after their third or fourth visit.

  • N.drew

    Two things I noticed that is evidence that some JWs will do as they see fit to do.

    On Face Book I see someone who I believe is still a JW playing "Mafia Wars". The GB would not be pleased.

    Also, before I left the org while I was speaking up about questioning the Governing Body's wisdom, my friends disowned me. On their own they decided to disfellowship me, it was not a congregation decision.

  • james_woods

    The ones I really feel sorry for are the ones trapped in it - because of family or friends.

    The die-hards that are slaving for it out of their own free will, not so much.

  • Gayle

    I certainly feel sorry for the youth. Under 18, would that account for 1/4 to 1/3 of them? Fortunately, most leave, however, with scars.

    For the adults, every decade after decade, they are making choices or denying their choice. Going to or reading programs, week after week for decades, of a soon to be destruction of 99% of the world, just 'erodes' human feelings for mankind. Many of these are willing to 'cut off' their own grown children, including grandchildren, because of their children not wanting JWism.

    Happy? No, I don't accept they are. Arrogance creates in them their false sense of happy.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More


    Elders COs just don't know what to do about attendance dropping. Field service is a joke. On those two key issues they are lowering standards. Less meetings, less magazines to read. Yes, the GB will remain lashing out and getting tougher.But regular JWs are just not listening, or just don't care.

    Best news I've read all week ... maybe the whole religion will just apathetize itself right out of existence...the end is getting nearer!

    Keep us posted please.

  • mouthy

    My heart aches for all of them. I was a devoted JW.. Took beatings from my hubby ( not a JW) because he tried to tell me it was false
    I am sure there are others living in the organization just as stupid as I... The elders saw my black eyes & commended me for them.

    After all as JWS we ONLY had the truth & would suffer persecution. I believed them My daughter who is still in it ,is a
    good woman... She believes it is Gods way. So has cut me off as they told her I am the devils tool
    To you WinstonChurchill....Sorry your using HIS name Winston. He stood up for TRUTH!!!! YOU my friend are in a lie-
    I was in the 2nd world war & thank old Winston for being a real MAN!!!!

    Mouthy >I do NOT feel sorry for you at all.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    that's tough to answer. I do, and I don't. For those who really don't know the truth about the truth, well then yes. It's like living in North Korea. You simply have no outside source to draw from and your own point of referance is tainted because you've been raised with this strange view of the outside world.

    Now there's others that I equate with living in an abusive relationship. You can council, provide a place of refuge, but ultimately they either run back to the original offender, or they find another.

    It's a tough call. I don't know

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