Do you feel sorry for those that are still in.

by jam 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    As usual, I find I am with Black Sheep on this.

    The waste of life and potential is so sad, the young ones caught up in it are the ones I feel for most, at a time in their life when they should be making decisions and moves that would ensure their future happiness and well-being, the damned WT cult prevents them.

    Usually too, they marry another Jdub and that complicates things horribly later if they wake up.

  • transhuman68

    I sure feel sorry for the born-in children, but the adult Witnesses seem to be deliberately obtuse, or they are getting their kicks from the religion in some other way… although there are some ‘true believers’ amongst them….but when you are an adult, there are no longer any excuses...

  • flipper

    I feel sorry for the rank and file JW's who have to follow narcissistic, power hungry leaders of the WT society. But I do NOT feel sorry for the WT leaders, whether it's the WT attorneys, GB, or shareholders of the WT organization. I believe they know what a scam they are pulling over on 7 million people and have no conscience. I have mixed emotions about feeling sorry for C.O's, D.O's , or elders as some of them are just pontificating bastards who would still be pontificating bastards even outside of the WT cult mind control. But I believe SOME of those in authority are being duped also. So for the ones who are being duped , yes, I feel compassion that they are so controlled by a monstrous , evil cult

  • justmom

    ...some days I am saddened greatly for them believe it is killing them and they are completely clueless.

    Other days i am not because it is THEIR choice as it was once mine, and spirit reminds me of that at 2 Thessalonians 2: 11,12 "So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the 'LIe', in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness."



  • Twitch

    Some of them, yes. The ones who are lost, who didn't choose, who don't know anything else. You can see it in their eyes.

    As for the others who blaze with elitist self-righteousness, fuck 'em all.

  • WontLeave

    Those who blindly followed Pharisees were illiterate and/or ignorant of the Law. It wasn't common for the average Joseph to have access to the scrolls of Scripture. Pretty much until proliferation of Bibles was achieved in the relatively-recent past, people had an excuse to blindly follow their religious leaders. After the invention of the printing press and the Reformation, leaving your faith to your church became unfathomably lazy. Claiming to follow a book you've never read became unforgivable.

    Unless you're wearing a styro-foam helmet and licking the windows, there is no acceptable reason to be in a nutty cult. Granted, many JWs are just shy of that situation and functionally illiterate. Many people in most churches haven't a clue what they just read when they read from the Bible. This situation is ripe for charlatans claiming the priesthood to come along and "explain" the scripture. They use some synonyms for a few of the words in the passage to make it sound like they're just explaining, while butchering the meaning and - voila! - the outcome is completely contrary to the original text.

    I encountered this at my door with some JWs who insist Judas wasn't present for the Last Supper. John implies and Luke outright states that Judas was present when the bread and wine were blessed and passed. However, the JW version is that Judas left beforehand. They give their timeline and jump around in the Gospels to get the scriptures they want in the order they want them in. They similarly jump around in Mat 24 to get the order of events they want. JWs don't even bat an eyelash the blatant lies, because they're relying on the Watchtower to dumb it down for their defective, idiotic brains to slowly digest.

    Anyone intelligent enough and/or paying any attention will quickly notice things aren't kosher between the Bible and the Watchtower version. These people are labeled "apostates" and quickly and quietly removed, so they won't alert the dumb-asses in the congregations. The Bible isn't written in Swahili (well, I'm sure some are; but I'm talking about in my congregation), so even the biggest dolt can eventually be shown that it proves the Watchtower to be a liar. It's really hard to have sympathy for grown-ass adults who choose the lies over the truth.

    Jesus wasn't angry with the Pharisees for being mistaken. He was pissed at them for being liars. JWs are liars and they know it. For example, in the "Bearing Thorough Witness" book, they openly admit the second sacrifice of the day - which the Bible says is to be "between the evenings" - is about 3 pm. When they talk about Nisan 14 being Passover, they insist "between the evenings" is after sundown. They've been around for 130 years and Passover has been celebrated by Jews on Nisan 15 for thousands of years. You think nobody has brought this to their attention? They know they're lying and keep right on doing it. Feel sorry for them? God himself will not feel sorry for them and He is love.

  • Phizzy

    Well said Wontleave ! that post is so well structured it is almost poetry, and so so true !

    And to think, not so long ago many of us on here were one of the "dumb-asses in the congregation ", some may criticise you for that expression, I do not, I was one, albeit not as dumb as some.

    It was coming on here that made me realise how deprived of information and education I was as a JW.

    I feel sorry that 7million are deprived of the joy and freedom that being able to learn from proper sources, not lieing ones like the WT, brings.

    I feel sorry for them, even though it is mainly their own laziness that makes them captive, I had to work hard to free myself.

  • Qcmbr

    I feel sorry for the innocents still in.

  • TOTH

    Sorry? No, but only because they are happy to be there. What can you do? Wither away fretting over someone who is blissfully ignorant? I drop hints and point out stuff but they just bounce right back to how wonderful the org is. I do wish they'd wake up though.

  • inbetween

    I feel sorry for those, who are still in, but feel something is seriously wrong, but supress it all under the "Where els shal lwe go " -line.

    Their cognitive dissonance is high as a kite, they feel confused, and lost.

    I was among them, now I´m enlightened, (thanks to forums like this), still in for family unfortunately...

    However, there are still those, who blindly agree to every nonsense the WT set before them, and they are happy about it, because maybe they were drug adicts, alcoholics or whatever before they joined...they are happy witnesses, no need to feel sorry for them...

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