Why the house to house preaching work never works

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I dislike when people come knocking on my door ''cold calling'' with their sales pitch. Do you need a new roof? Do you want to donate to a local school so they can pay for a trip? Do you need a subscription to a newspaper or magazine? Do you want to buy candy or cookies?

    I never purchase,donate or get free estimates from ''cold callers.'' I don't know these people or trust them. If I need something I'll call you!

    What makes the WTS think that having members walking around ''dressed to kill'',offering a magazine or book, make householders open the door and start a Bible study from people that they have no prior personal relationship?

  • ziddina


    TWO threads!! I'm seeing DOUBLE!!!

  • blondie

    We just had someone drop by last night to sell us something and we felt like them were putting over a fast one....like jws do....we sent them on their way.

  • thetrueone

    What makes the WTS think that having members walking around ''dressed to kill'',offering a magazine or book, make householders open the door and start a Bible study from people that they have no prior personal relationship?

    Because it works and they have proof of that by the numbers they accumulate.

    How do many become JWS other than being born in ?

    Picking up a WT in a laundromat doesn't have the same appealing effect in comparison to a smiling individual whose

    come directly to a person's front door step.

    Its the WTS. own editorial writers responsibility to print something attractive and appealing on the front cover and inside the literature.

    These two aspects of the JWS work togther with a singular objective.

  • Londo111

    Plus, going door-to-door preaching is not found in the Bible...but the NWT covers that up really well.

    I believe more people become JW via "informal witnessing" anyway.

  • rebel8

    It's not true that it never works though.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I wouldn't say never but I have yet to meet a publisher that got it from a person knocking at their door


    I should of said.....''the chances that house to house works are slim.''

    Our congregation was started in 1972 with a mere 13 members. It reached a peak of 86 members in 2000 and today it is down to less than 30.

    Most of the new members (aside from the original 13) were either friends,family or children born into the religion. Also,there hasn't been a new member that was brought in from house to house preaching in over 10 years.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    it keeps the drones busy

  • trueblue

    and they don't like it if you just up and go to their house...

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