Does anyone here believe in ET's? That we are not alone on this vast Universe?

by IamPresence2012 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IamPresence2012

    Being brought up a JW until age 25. I never made an attempte to search anywhere else for information until I moved out (Thank God). Thanks to the internet,, my curiosity led me to different websites, books, documentaries and video presentations. One of the topic at large was UFO's I remember there was an Awake (inthe 80 or 90's) but was too young to comprehend or figure out what it was. Now that I am older and getting wiser, I have done some research to conclude yes we are not alone,, there are billion of stars with life forms,, we are in a 3D universe that will be going into 4th and 5th. This being one of the toughest schools to learn experiences of duality.

    I wonder whats the take on JW's or X-JW's on ET's and other life outside our earth.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Believe in ET's? Sure, why not.....with over 7 billion people on earth I'm sure there are a few guys with Extra Testicles.

    Think About It

  • truth_b_known

    I believe that it is quite possible. It appears that there are planets in our own galaxy that could support life as we know it. Bacteria is believed to be living in the vacuum of space on astroids/meteors.

    As far as intellegent life visiting our planet from other worlds, I think it is possible, as well. There are some things we have a hard time explaining.

  • randomhuman

    The odds are overwhelming that there is life beyond Earth. There are simply too many stars, and it appears that most do have planets (although our own Sun only has one planet with life known, and one more which might have had life once).

    Further, the history of the Earth indicates that life appeared almost as soon as the molten planet cooled sufficiently for liquid water to form, roughly 3.5 billion years ago. So, life is not some random miracle, but rather something which is part of the natural direction that matter takes, forming more complex forms as conditions permits. Life will appear where conditions allow it.

    The big question is not whether life exists elsewhere, but whether intelligent life exists. For most of Earth's history, life was nothing more than single celled bacteria of various kinds. It wasn't until the invention of sexual reproduction that life began to evolve rapidly, and even then, large brains didn't appear until the most recent few million years, roughly the last tenth of a percent of life's history.

    While life in the universe may be fairly common, intelligent life may or may not be.

  • wobble

    I am very confident that life exists elsewhere in the Universe, this is about the only faith position I hold in life.

    I call it a faith position because there is no proof as yet, and may never be, it could well be that we are just too far away for any kind of contact.

    But, man moves ever forward, and it will come as no surprise to me if a way is found to establish the existence of life out there.

    Certainly there must be many places in the universe, in addition to the ones already confirmed, that are ideal for carbon based life to occur, evolve and flourish.

    I sometimes wonder if intelligent life may be found on earth !

  • cedars

    This is a question that fascinates me, although I try not to devote too much time to it, simply because there aren't any hard facts to work with.

    As with the previous posters, I have a strong hunch that there is life out there, and maybe even that some of that life is intelligent.

    Another facet to the issue is whether any of that intelligent life is visiting us, which I guess is a whole other topic. Again, I have a hunch we are being visited, but it's not something I would bet my home on. It would certainly be exciting if contact was made with an alien species in my lifetime. I think the world would change forever were that to happen.


  • IamPresence2012

    When I see the UFO sightings, I wonder who are this intergalactic travellers and why can't we travel like them around our planet. At this day and age we are still huddled in airports and airplanes. While ET's use the most advanced technologies out there,, They are definatley advanced than we are. From my research they come from other dimensions and other parts of the universe that are highly evolved than we are. As I mentioned we are on a 3D earth and and the dimensions go upto 11th or 12th. So we are way at the bottom and should be moving up to higher dimensions and will be able to have better technology and other information that has been supressed over the years.

    It's an interesting discussion to have with open minded people.

    I will mention that I made a comment to my mum (about us being not alone) who is still active and she did not want to even hear or imagine this can be a possibility. The fact that it's not inthe bible or WT does not comment or teach about it ,its not true according to her.

  • BluesBrother

    The fact that it's not in the bible

    When I was a dub, I used to say "E T's , of course there are ! The bible speaks of myriads of angels and demons out there....." I once reasoned with a guy that since the "astrologers" saw the Star of Bethlehem at Jesus' birth it could be called a U F O

    Of course I would not say that now

    What do I think? I do not know but I think that so many sightings can be explained by physical or psychological reasons...

  • IamPresence2012

    I think there are some verswes inthe bible that could have implied ET presence or other dimensions. When Jesus when to pray/meditate with his two disiples and fell asleep, they awoke to seeing this light and jesus was standing with moses and who else,,I can't even remember,,,, Mt sinai was a star gate where you could travel from earth to other dimenions. Some verses of angels ascending from heaven, could have been travellers from other star systems.

    Only time will tell, if they exist and I believe it would not be long before first contact though am hoping for disclosure as well.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I'm very interested in ancient aliens and I feel there is sufficient archeological evidence to consider it as an essential part of our history.

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