Have your faith been made stronger or made weaker since coming here?

by jam 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Phizzy

    Having been lied to for such a long time by the WT whom I trusted, about what is true, and what I can put faith in, I have decided not to trust anything without proof.

    To spend my life hoping for things that will never happen, and not really living in the present to try to realise that hope, is to waste , totally, the one life we are sure we do have, this one.

    I will not do that any longer.

    Faith is trusting that something is true, with no real proof, that is no longer for me.

    Just a side question that may need another thread, to believers like "Tec", why do you think God and or Jesus have granted you faith and not me ? I prayed long and hard for faith, on my knees, to Jesus and to God, ..... nothing.

    I am at the point where I cannot see any proof that there is a God. I am now finished with all that, unless proof is forthcoming.

  • cyberjesus

    My faith after this forum is "ThankGod" non existant any more. :-D

  • cyberjesus

    Because things don't have to last forever to have meaning, to be important.

    PP: I am glad to see your transformation (so to speak) I remember when you first came here..... we escaped one layer of ignorance....ThankGod we did.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    George: sometimes I wonder, would it have been better to

    remain in the dark.

    jam - You may well be right but once the Genie is out of the bottle........


  • tec

    Just a side question that may need another thread, to believers like "Tec", why do you think God and or Jesus have granted you faith and not me ? I prayed long and hard for faith, on my knees, to Jesus and to God, ..... nothing.

    I can't answer that question. That is one you would have to ask Him.

    I know that His promise is that for those who knock, the door will be opened. Christ also said that if we love Him, we will obey his teachings, and his Father will love us, and they will come and make their home with us. (Within us, in spirit... annointed... receiving holy spirit... however you think of that)

    I trust those promises. I had full faith that He would grant me more faith, and ears to hear, as I asked. I also had no intention of ceasing to 'knock'. Perhaps I could not hear him because I was not ready. Neither He nor God forces themselves upon us. I think sometimes we ask for something - for Christ or God - but we have a set e x pectation of who they are and we ask within those parameters/limitations, and so we aren't ready, capable, or even willing to hear the Truth. I imagine that it is hard to hear the Truth if we are listening to lies.

    I think you need a little faith to ask for faith... and maybe that's just enough faith to consider the possibility... but if you have that, and you want faith, then ask and keep asking. May you be granted this if you want this.

    Peace to you,


  • Nice_Dream

    My beliefs have evolved rapidly over the past couple years. I no longer believe the stories in the Bible are 100% accurate; however, I still find comfort reading some of the scriptures and believe the message of love from the NT is a good one. Although my beliefs have been dismantled through reading many of the thought provoking threads on this site, I am now making my own personal belief system up, which is incredibly freeing.

    I also think spirituality is very personal, like art. Different pieces speak to different people, and we cannot force our own belief or disbelief on others. But we can appreciate the beauty and truth certain pieces bring to our lives.

  • Ucantnome

    Have your faith been made stronger or made weaker since coming here?

    I dont think coming to this site has made any difference to my faith. I've learnt some things. It has made me think. Sometimes it's made me laugh. I've felt sad that some seem to have lost their faith.

  • PenelopePaige

    This site has not messed with my faith in God but I think the JW's have. I started out really into them and what they were telling me and when I started I felt much closer to God than I do now. Now I'm just confused about everything. AND I got so sick of them telling me what God would or wouldn't do/ what he does and doesn't like/ why he won't listen to repetitive prayers (I quit saying my "Now I lay me down to sleep....." which I've been saying since I was a child and never stopped saying that prayer until here recently) . I'm actually appreciative of this site for making me see the JW's for what they really are; f'n nutz!!

  • transhuman68

    The Bible is a huge complicated book, containing history, myths, prophecies and songs- it cannot be understood without a lot of research, or someone interpreting it for us. It is the Watchtower interpretation of the Bible that many of us have discarded. You can't have faith in the Bible- only in an interpretation of it that you believe is accurate. I've learned a lot from this forum, and books recommended, and now I see the Bible as a journey- not a map for a journey, but a history of ancient religions.

  • Paulapollos


    thanks. more an evolution then a transformation. you live and learn, I suppose. Well, some do. Are you still a believer?


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