New here, need support: I wrote an open letter regarding my issues with JWs

by exjehovah 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • enda75

    Hi, I'm Enda75 and I am also new to this site. Luckly, I was never baptized. Oh--not suppose to say lucky or bless you and may the list go on. If my sister Scary 21 and I would've been baptized, we certainly would've been disfellowshiped and we would've lost our mother. I wanted to be baptized at age 16 but the elders decided I wasn't ready. What a BLESSING!! I was 16 in 1974 counting the hours to the end of the system. Never pursued an education because the end was coming. I also had an abnormal FEAR OF DEMONS!!!!!!

    Scary 21 and I went to Flordia to see my JW mother. When I watched that DVD, I realized what a CULT they truly are. Thank god we were never baptized. My mother still has her two daughters that love her. I feel so sorry for others that have lost their family because of the CULT.

    Recently, I met a someone that has disassociated themself from the organization but continues to attend the meetings and her JW mom still has contact. What do you think?? I thought you disassociate yourself because you want no part of the organization.

  • cofty

    Hi enda75 welcome, you had a lucky escape.

  • flipper

    EXJEHOVAH- Awesome first post by you ! Welcome indeed to JWN. You are among friends who like yourself have experienced or either ARE experiencing these things at present. Including being shunned. Me too by my JW family. It hurts. It's enough to make us pissed off and angry at the world. I'd love to kick some GB a$$ and WT leaders a$$ as well. They are so mind controlled and don't care about the pain they cause- it would be like kicking a deranged criminal who just laughs in our face.

    So we have to take positive measures to assist those of JW's who are having doubts or sitting on the fence and gently give them access to information exposing the WT society. I feel you shared much helpful anf informative info in this thread ! Good job. Nice having you here. Hang in there, keep your chin up, we are here for you my friend

  • Sapphy

    Well said and welcome.

  • ziddina

    Hi, Enda75!

    Welcome to the board...

    Perhaps you'd be good enough to start your own thread with a much more complete description of your situation?? That way, we can reply to YOUR experiences, on their own...


  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome ((((((((exjehovah))))))))) and ((((((((((((enda75))))))))))) to JWN. I hope and pray that you keep on posting anoynmously on JWN and under no circumstances disagree with WTBTS doctrines with JW friends and family, unless you want to be shunned (Watchtower, Study Edition, July 15, 2011).

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • exjehovah

    Everyone, thank you so much. It has been a very difficult time for me.

    I posted the open letter on Craigslist to vent. But I feel it was probably better to post it here.

    My brother passed away just two months ago. He was baptised but left the religion years before, he however was never disfellowshipped or anything, he just slipped away. He had many issues with the religion, and suffered over the years. My brother was only a year older than me, I was absolutely devastated. In many ways, I still am, I just can't believe he is gone. I believe a lot of his medical issues were because of sadness and depression over the pressures, hypocrisy, and false doctrine we endured growing up. He was only 41.

    A year before that, my cousin passed away. Same exact month. He died from complications from AIDS. My family shunned him because he was a homosexual. He was near death when they found him because HE HAD NO SUPPORT SYSTEM. They had turned their back on him because of his sexuality and he dealt with depression and sadness. Anyone that has experienced the depth of their shunning, and heartbreak of having to put together your life without any of your family and friends. My cousin was buried without any real funeral, no family that grew up with him to say goodbye. How in the world can this religion justify this? It incensed me on so many levels.

    The Jehovah Witness religion breaks up families. If you choose to disagree with their doctrine they get so involved in your family and friends that it isn't just about a difference of religious belief, it is a separation from your family.

    Please understand it is not like I am not aware of their beliefs, it is just that their flip flopping of doctrines, their "new light" changing on a regular basis really unnerves me. Against my better judgment I choose to involve myself with my father. He was my primary parent, my mother and step-father so beat down from the religion and mental illness, it is a wonder they are still here.

    I really need support. I need to interact with people that can understand what it is like for me. My ex husband was not religious, which was great, but I worry about getting married again or having children (biological or adopted) and putting them through this. Should I just cut the JW family off completely or limit it to just phone calls and an occasional neutral visit? It is hard when you truly love them, but I just can't and won't let that cult dictate my life. I have had enough.

    Again, I appreciate all your comments and well wishes. Thanks for reading!

  • Quandry

    Welcome, exJW and welcome to enda75 (clever name).

    ExJW, When people come on this forum and say idiotic things like JWs don't shun former members, etc. they simply haven't read posts such as yours. The WTS places a "life sentence" on those who wish to leave, yet say it is voluntary. Life is so short Nd family is precious...I'm so sorry your family can't see the destructiveness of that organization.

    Enda75-Isn't it amazing that some don't think the Wts was promoting "the end" was coming in 1975? I was there, listening to talks, so glad that I was baptised in 1973 just in time.....just in time for what?

    I can't imagine why someone would go to meetings after disassociating themselves. They must be gluttons for punishment!

  • leavingwt

    Welcome and welcome!

  • sizemik

    Welcome to the Forum exjehovah and enda75 . . .

    The WTS does indeed destroy families . . . and peoples health and well-being. They march into the most sacrosanct and private areas of peoples lives and turn them into a wasteland. Sadly this is our lot.

    But we are the conquerors here . . . and against some quite formidable challenges. Leaving the JW's is something you will never regret. They are a dangerous, heartless and Godless Organisation. Be proud of your honesty and integrity, lift your heads up and stick around . . . you're among friends here.

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