Are you a Bush bitch?

by cellomould 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    Hey butalbee, you can't be my Bitch, sorry...

    I only take applications for Trusted Advisor, Royal Beauty Chairwoman, and Fellow Worshipper of All that is Holy (i.e. sacred sex).

    Does it seem like I'm sucking up?

    Is it working though?
    he he he


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • gilwarrior

    Butalbee, I'll be your bitch!

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • butalbee

    cellomould--You take applications, but do you have any job openings????? Full time or part time???

  • cellomould

    Hey, you can work one day per month or eight days a week, butalbee... as long as you show you care for me in the time we spend together.

    I have the perfect position for you....<moves this thread over to the sexual content area of the d.b.>

    <closes curtain>


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • Scorpion


    No troll post here. I said Bush is the best president we have had in years, I did not say he was a great President. As far as the welfare issue, most programs, corporate or otherwise is a form of welfare when tax payers are footing the bill.

    You said Clinton was an intelligent man, I agree, it takes a lot of cunning to spend 8 years in office acting like you are saving the country and having the majority believe it when in fact you are selling the country out.


  • larc


    I am with you on this. Here is how I see it. Clinton was more intelligent, but lacked ethics. He gutted our military, allowed our intelligence community to go into disaray, cut our energy resources, took money from Chinese agents, and had a weak staff, the worst of which was Janet Reno, who had no clue as to how to deal with Waco. Sorry for the run on sentence.

    Now Bush is not as intelligent, but he is a Harvard MBA, not a lawyer, like slick willey Clinton. As a result, he understands how to put together a seasoned staff of people. That is a key factor in being successful as an executive. Also, is a man of ethics and integrety.

  • Abaddon

    "Also, is a man of ethics and integrety."


    Don't kid yourself, he's a politician...

    DIdn't his administartion appoint employees of Enron to some commitee that was responsible for policing or formulating policy for the industry? I could find the quote if needed, it's in the Guardian Weekly.

    FACT ONE: If 911 hadn't happened, Enron would have been a very hard period for a minority mandate President to get through.

    FACT TWO: With Nationalism at a high following 911, Bush has more slack cut him than any President for years, as people are so scared of being labelled unAmerican if they don't agree with him, it's assent by default.

    FACT THREE: I would love to have full disclosure of US Intelligence reports in the two months leading up to 911. Of course it won't happen, and when they become available whether the really interesting documents will still be there is open to doubt. But it's funny how some European Intelligence agencies (and I think the Israeli's) weren't that surprised when it happened.

    FACT FOUR: Even if 911 could not have been avoided, now the Republican backers are booging all the way to the bank with $48 billion of increased millitary spending this year alone.

    Maybe I am just a big bad cynic...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Scorpion

    Well said larc. I actually liked Alan Keyes. He IMO was the best candidate and would have made the best President. He could tear a new back side into the clown nose Clinton and Bush put together in a debate. For the Democrats, Clinton was really intellegent, what I mean is that if you measure intellegence by how many lies can be told in a term, Clinton would be the man. The people that supported the dummy don't have much on the ball as far as I am concerned.

    The Chinese and illegals benefited from the Clinton administration more than the American people.

  • cellomould

    Thanks for your comments all,

    Windrider and Abaddon, I have noticed things about Bush too that are just not right. It's all in the way he walks and talks.

    In my opinion a display of confidence is no indication of trustworthiness. But that's about all he needs to do to have the public opinion fairy kissing his feet.

    Daddy's ex-CIA status hasn't seemed to harm Jr's trustworthiness, either. Think about Sr. Bush... how could he have held such a position and yet appear so oblivious and genial on camera?

    Is W pulling a stunt like this right now? Don't you suppose the dumb-act might be his version of smoke and mirrors?


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • larc


    I will be gone after this post, so if you reply, and I don't respond you know the reason.

    The way Bush, "walks and talks"??? Now, that is one of the dumbest things you have written. Get a grip. Your bias is so strong, it is unbelievable. What if I said the same thing about Clinton? You would think I was a moron.

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