Weird, F'd up dream...

by undercover 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    I call these "movie dreams", dear UC (peace to you!). I LOVE them! I just wish I had the skill to make them into a legit script! Sometimes I think I must have seen a movie with the same/similar scenes but I can never recall such a movie or when/where I saw it. It's probably how those who DO write movies come up with a lot of 'em, dreams like this. Mine tend to stay with me for days, if not weeks... but they're not disturbing, per se (the content, perhaps, but not as to me, personally). Sorry it took you so long to "shake" it.


    SA, on her own... thinking sometimes she wish she had a ghost writer...

  • ziddina

    What AGuest said about a "movie" dream...

    Your dream reminded me a bit of Gabriel Byrne in the movie "Miller's Crossing" - an excellent movie, if you haven't seen it already.

    Check it out....

  • Quarterback

    I love Crown Royal....but, it doesn't give me those dreams of being part of the mob. I just sit there in my easy chair, and my wife says I mumble something like..."Make me an offer, that I can't refuse"....

  • OnTheWayOut

    Nice description. I don't know anything about why we dream what we dream, but it doesn't sound like it was necessarily related to something in "the real world." It sounds more like suggestions already made about seeing "The Green Mile" or something else. It could even have been from seeing or reading something that triggered an old memory of an older movie, show, book, etc.

    I do not remember my dreams, ever. I know I dream. I wake with a vague idea of what I was dreaming, but by the time I am fully awake, it's always gone. It may have something to do with drinking myself to blackout sleep most every night long ago. It may just be who I am. That said, since I don't remember them, dreams are just not my thing. I don't see hidden meaning, just stuff the brain does when it's not rigidly controlled by the "awake" person.

  • juni

    I've woke up from dreams - actually nightmares - in a sweat and crying, but also I've had some good dreams that would make a great movie script. Some dreams are so real when I wake up I'm trying to figure out if it actually happened or not.

  • its_me!

    The whole dream is an almost perfect metaphor for being a JW. I hate those though, I always wake up with my stomach churning and its hard to feel normal for a day or two after. Wishing you nice dreams tonight! Or none at all, I would take that...

  • Violia

    I see the WT connection as you are undercover , aren't you?

    One way to find out more about your dream is to list the people in the dream and ask them one at a time why they are there. I know it sounds odd but this is a gestalt method of dream interruption and it works..I have used it many times and it has helped me. My last therapist was a gestalt expert and he helped me interpret my dreams.

    What you need to know for this method is: you are everyone and everyone is you. So you are actually all the people in the dream . You have your dream written down so put yourself in a quiet place where you are undisturbed and focus on the dream. Relax and start with one character and ask them who they are and why they are in the dream. Ask them what they want or need. Basically, who are you and why are you here? Believe it or not, it works. You just focus and become the character in the dream, b/c you actually are. Ask the questions. You will be amazed at the answers you will get. Remember dreams are not logical so don't expect perfection.

    If you have a friend who would help you with this it works better but can be done by yoursself.

    interesting dream. remember only you really have the answers to unlock the dream but a good gestalt dream therapist can help you see connections that you may not be aware of.

  • flipper

    UNDERCOVER- Thanks for sharing your fascinating dream ! That was a really good, informative dream. I think there's some information here you might be able to use in your conscious life.

    I'm certainly no expert, however, I've done a lot of reading in psychology books on dream therapy. Here's my take :

    I feel these mob bosses who wanted to off you and your supposed accomplice - are by extension the elders in the JW cult. I feel your subconscious self is revealing to you that although elders don't REALLY kill with guns in the real world - yet they DO hold the power of life or death over Jehovah's Witnesses in their OWN view and estimate of how they wield their power over J-dubs . Because elders CLAIM to put forth " Jehovah's " judgments by extension you were in fear of that in your dream and actually watching your " accomplice " getting shot by these mob bosses or " elders " - it put your fear into a phobic state within yourself - in the dream.

    But the GOOD part is before these mob bosses / elders killed you - you woke up before they could do so ! So the conscious part of yourself proved to your subconscious part of yourself that in the REAL life- these elders CANNOT HARM you as you have consciously overcome your phobias and fear of them. In essence- YOU Undercover - saved yourself out of the cult and out of the grasp of the elders ! I think the meaning of this dream is that you have proven to yourself that you can escape the elders wrath in real life ! That they have no power over you anymore. That's WHY you woke up before they " killed " you in the dream ! So , enjoy the message and use it to treasure your freedom my friend. Take care and have a very happy new year

  • Paralipomenon

    According to my amazing powers of dream interpretation, I can conclude that you wish your mother was a dolphin, and you want to sleep with dolphin-mom.

    Fortunately I did not give up my day job.

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