I cannot believe my father called me to ask this!

by serenitynow! 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Serenity is a gorgeous black woman. Seriously, I met her and she really is pretty.

    Thanks for the correction. Now there is a goregous black woman posting who's video I've not seen, and a gorgeous white woman posting who's name I've confused.

    Edited: Went back and looked her video up and Serenity is the girl I thought she was. This girl is very attractive, but looks white to me except looking at it again she looks more like late 20's. Regardless of black or white, she is very pretty and love her expressive posts.

    Think About It

  • wasblind

    That's alright Think about it

    you are now officially a part of the club

    I belong too , and members do get confused at times ;)

  • NewChapter

    Thank you so much for clearin' that up NC

    I didn't see any video

    LOL Wasblind, I meant to direct that answer to Still Thinking. Have a Merry Christmas all. I have to leave for my sister's now. Two hour drive ahead.


  • wasblind

    Have a safe trip

    I have to go to dinner and make nice later on

    sometime all the holiday cheer in the world

    don't cover up who you have to deal with ;(

  • FlyingHighNow

    While our parents are living (Mine are both gone), this is the time to get some closure. If you handle things right, you will have your day to calmly let him know how his decisions affected you personally and the way it changed your life and those closest to him. You might see him leave this world and there will be come closure for you. I was able to heal breaches with my mother. We ended up having a good relationship before she died. I am the only kid of six who had that. My dad, I let him know how I felt, but in a calmly written e-mail that I warned him would not be easy to read, but that I expected a response to. He let me know he deeply regretted any hurt he foisted upon me and my siblings. He also told me he understood he didn't have it in him to be a good father. He told me that we could have a relationship though and that he did care. My mother told me Daddy wasn't capable of loving. I think he was, just not very much and not in a conventional way. I am still not happy with him, but I do feel like we had closure. I made memorials on line for my brother Cory and Mom, but I doubt I will ever make one for Daddy. I don't think he deserves one.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Serenity!!! You sound like such a strong loving Lady!

    Peace to you my dear


    I call most family the 6 letter F word

  • serenitynow!
    If you handle things right, you will have your day to calmly let him know how his decisions affected you personally and the way it changed your life and those closest to him.

    I understand what you are trying to say FHN, but I have done that. My father and I briefly had a friendly relationship when I was an adult. His idea of having a relationship is where he acts like we are buddies, we go to the movies, he comes over my house and eats my food. A very superficial relationship where we never talk about any of the painful issues that I am still dealing with from childhood. A relationship with him is one where he can simply say he is sorry about all that stuff in the past, not explain anything, not ask how it affected me and how he can help me work through it.

    It was after I had a friendly relationship with him that cooled a bit for some reason, that my sister, mom and nephew had a crisis that left them homeless. By that time I was unable to reach my father by phone. This has often been his M.O.; in our childhood we often had no idea where he was living, or what his phone number was.

    I did know what hall he went to. He went to the hall right across from me. A double hall where there were times our congregations met at the same times and he would pass me in the foyer and not even speak to me.

    Anyway, since this was a family crisis, I went to his hall to plead with him to for once in his f-ing life to do the right thing. I approached him after the meeting, and he gave me that smile of his while he said there was nothing he could do to help. Which of course was a big lie. It has always been important to my father to appear to be a good guy, to be well liked by everyone other than his children.

    I made a scene at the hall which got me the elders meeting with him, and believe me I poured my heart out about how his behaviour was affecting me. He and the elders didn't care at all.

    Fast forward years later, I'm an inactive, but still believing JW. I am still dealing with the abandonment issues, but I am also still pretty pissed about how the organization never disciplined my father for his abandonment of his family. I still believed in the org, and felt that perhaps I had not given it the opportunity to set matters right. And so I wrote NY. I wrote a 5 page typed letter where I outlined how deeply I and my sister were hurt by his abandonment, and his continued lack of concern for our welfare despite him being a JW in good standing.

    It was a difficult letter to write, and I was emotionally wrung out by the time I finished. I sent that letter 3 years ago March and have yet to receive a response from the Society BTW.

    I did meet with a couple of the elders and my father regarding my letter. Please understand that all interactions I've have with my father and the elders were initiated by me. I went to his hall a few weeks after writing the letter to ask if they had received it, which they did. Even all those years later, my father was still being a bastard. He actually said in the back room that I could have called him. Because of course it is about him, why didn't I try to contact him? The nerve! What I put in the letter, and explained to him and the brothers face to face is that, if I am ever to have a relationship with my father it can only be on my terms. If he is not willing to hear about how he failed, and what he needs to do to get right with me, then we cannot have a relationship. Period.

    I'm through being jerked around by him. He and my sister have a relationship. They talk everyday. I'm glad for her. I put in the letter that he can show his repentence to me by being there for my sister and nephew. I'm glad he is in my sister's life. But I cannot have a relationship with him unless I know that it is going to be positive.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Is your sister just as critical of your father, or has she "wiped the slate clean?" Sounds to me like he expects u to do the same. Dubs feel entitled to all sorts of forgiveness for their bad decision making

  • thetrueone

    This particular family situation highlights why this religious cult is so destructive in main stream society.

    There are other religious cults that have this form of distinguishing their devoted members from non devoted ones as well.

    The control is intensional to the support of the organization at the egregious cost of dissolving marriages as well entire families.

  • ziddina
    "....Anyway, my father called me to ask me to go to the hospital with him to see this brother. Why he would ask me is strange. ..... I've always considered my father to be a weak man, so I guess him being fearful of going to the hospital on his own to see his friend should not be surprising.
    I'm just shocked that he would have the audacity to call me to ask for help. ..."

    Tell him that you appreciate being told of this brother's illness and that you will visit him yourself as your schedule allows, so he should just plan on visiting this brother alone....

    That'll fix his cowardly wagon!!!

    Honey, I TOTALLY support you in your statements that he deserves to be cut off completely from you. I had two such parents; I wasn't physically abandoned but I WAS "scape-goated" for EVERY SINGLE THING that went wrong in their lives - while my little brother "walked on water"...

    Of course, revenge was TOTALLY sweet - turns out that the reason they were so sugary suck-up to my brother is because he was MALE - and therefore able to earn MORE MONEY than I... Well, in their minds, at least.

    When my brother became an employed adult, my parents absolutely TOOK OVER HIS LIFE. He has NEVER been allowed to date, let alone get MARRIED - that would have cut down on the MONEY they were able to siphon out of him - and he eats dinner at their trashy little trailer every other night or so...

    Not surprisingly, my poor brother has been on suicide watch more than once...

    I TOTALLY CUT THOSE PEOPLE OFF a LONG time ago.... There is NO WAY I'm going to allow that sort of poison back into my life again!!

    One of my mother's cousins was trying to defend my parents' actions to me - she said, "Well, they did the best that they could...."

    To which I snapped back, "They didn't do the 'best that they could'; they did THE WORST THAT THEY COULD GET AWAY WITH!!"

    Which describes your father to a "T", too....

    Stay strong...


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