I cannot believe my father called me to ask this!

by serenitynow! 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • iCeltic


    Its so sad, I can't imagine ANY situation that would stop me being there for my daughter.

    I think you did the right thing, don't feel bad, just live your life.

    My JW (at the time, she had an affair with someone at work) mother was gone when I was growing up, and even though I live about a 3 or 4 minute drive from her, I never see her and couldn't care less.

    My wonderful father all the same, that's different, he phoned me last night and asked me down for Christmas dinner today, wonderful man whose kids come first in his life, always have and always will. This will more or less be the first family Christmas for me in 25 years, I'm nervous.

    I count myself lucky to have a Dad like that, my birth mother might well be a selfish auld cow but I'm lucky my Dad isn't.

  • wasblind

    Go get a paternity test girl,

    ain't no way that ball-less man could be yo daddy

    Take balls to be a father, he ain't got 'em

    let his azz toss in the wind

    I'm in ageement with, do unto to him, the things he done to you

    didn't the bible say you'll reap what you sow ?

    now let him reap exactly what he sowed

    Merry Christmas

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Serenity......you are a sweetheart. Love your mean streak towards JW bullshit. Hang in there darlin' and Merry Christmas.

    Think About It

  • exwhyzee

    Did you ask him why he thinks you should help him after he abandoned all of you not once ,but for the second time when you needed him to rescue you from a homeless shelter ? I'd be definetly asking him for an answer to that question and he'd better have a good reason before he'd get any help from me. There is such a thing as being forgiving but for a Father to leave his kids in a homeless shelter is pretty cold to say the least.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( Serenity )))))))

    it's time to let that man know, that you are now

    no longer a little girl, but a black woman with hindsite

    that can tell him with a good ole neck roll

    " TOLD YA !!!

    DID'NT I TELL YA ???


    TOLD YA ." ;)

    just so ya know I borrowed that qoute

    but I do say "TOLD YA" alot

    Wuz only borrow I ain't no thief :)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Perhaps u can point him to a few local shelters should he need help. Directions to a soup line as well

  • metatron

    I think you summed it up by saying that he's a weak man. Sadly, that might hit the nail on the head.

    Without getting hysterical about it, I would sternly confront him about the past. If you are polite and he responds contritely, I would consider that. OTOH, if he is arrogant and uncaring about his past, I would write him off as a worthless sociopath.

    Many people in this world are weak. This can be overlooked, although it can be hard to do so..... but I don't see much point in a relationship in which the offending party is repellant and uncaring about it.

    Another thing to consider is the question, "if my father died tomorrow, is there anything I wish I would have asked him?" That's a good question regardless of whether any parent is good or bad.


  • Lozhasleft

    How awful for you SN. I agree you shouldn't rush to help him and you can tell him he's not the only one who can refuse comfort.

    Loz x

  • thetrueone

    So now all of the sudden, he wants me to go and provide emotional support for him. Son of a bitch!

    I know it's Christmas and all, but fuck him!

    Christmas shouldn't be a factor, the man obviously had compassion and love for his religious cult but had little care and compassion for

    his own family. I would reply with you better find help from his family he loved and respected at the Kingdom Hall.

    Be direct in explaining to him his abandonment to you and the rest of your immediate family is the reason.

    There is a moral statute that says people who care and love others (family) will usually be returned that loved and care.

    With strong armed religious cults like the JWS and the people who get involved with these cults there is a expressed agenda to

    support their newly found JWS family and leave anyone who doesn't want to be apart of the cult to the curb, like dirt.

  • Quandry

    That's a tough one.

    Seems like he always put the JWs first...of course, now that he has needs, where are they for him? Perhaps he's found this out the hard way.

    It is difficult to conceive of the fact that he is asking for your help without a shred of an apology to you first.

    Only you can decide what to do. You will have to live with your decisions.

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