by strymeckirules 123 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Did anyone use this one ????

    No our Children Don't miss Christmas or Birthdays.. since they never had one......

  • Heath N
    Heath N

    Said by my uber older JW sister too many times...."Well, THE SOCIETY says............blah, blah, blah.

  • tiki

    They, she, he, whoever....is falling out of the truth.........

    or they have fallen out of the truth......

    our quest for eternal life.....

    back halls (honestly when i was a kid i thought that's what the back call was because you went to the house and stood and gabbed in the back hall....)

    he may be in the truth but the truth isn't in him....

    (notice so many very judgemental types of little sayings...)

    secular work....(that thing to be avoided at all costs)

    car captain.......house over house.....home but hiding.....oh the list is endless.

  • Magwitch

    The only time you are coasting is when you are going downhill

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The Elders telling a JW member whose about to get the ax......."getting disfellowshipped is the best thing that could ever happen to you!"

  • punkofnice

    Tight pants are from the Devil.

  • EdenOne

    "God is exercising patience".

    "Aren't you glad that God has been exercising patience? If God had brought Armaggedon in [insert any year before your baptism], would YOU be saved?"

    "This one's a 'goat', for sure"

    "The number of earthquakes has raised dramatically since 1914"

    "The end is so near - it's so obvious! How can YOU question it?"

    "We must trust in the 'faithful and discreete slave', now more than ever"

    "The Slave has been teaching us that [insert the most banal concept that can be found in any wordly literature]. This is Godly wisdom".

    "The work is accelerating. The "slave" knows the end is imminent".


  • punkofnice

    E1 - "We must trust in the 'faithful and discreete slave', now more than ever"

    That's excruciating. I'm glad they don't venerate cult leaders! (He said with bitter irony).

  • EdenOne

    I'm glad they don't venerate cult leaders! (He said with bitter irony).

    Amen to THAT!

  • HeyThere

    A perfect organization ran by imperfect men...

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