please suggest classic xmas movies...

by highdose 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • GOrwell

    National Lampoons X-mas Vacation is my vote. Classic of all time.

  • JeffT

    A Midnight Clear

    A bit of a strange stories about men trying to find some peace in the middle of the Battle of the Bulge. Historically inaccurate but thematically interesting.

    On a lighter note, those already mentioned, A Christmas Story and National Lampoons Christmas vacation and Elf. Also the first Santa Clause movie (I love Bernard, the Jewsish elf). I'll think of more.

  • mamamo

    I have to ask... How is The Philadephia Story a Christmas movie? Swimming outside in Philadephia at Christmas time, I don't think so. The presents were wedding presents. But any movie with Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart I will watch anytime.

    The Nightmare before Christmas should be added.

  • botchtowersociety

    Christmas movies all annoy me. I can't think of one that I like, except for maybe "It's A Wonderful Life." I think the Watchtower ruined it for me forever.

  • myelaine

    this movie has Christmas scenes, a "feel good" plot and I like it for the colour contrast and cuz Kim is stunning

    also mamamo, I bought my 16 yo son The Nightmare Before Christmas as a gift this year...he likes the movie and he has enjoyed drawing the characters for years.

    love michelle

  • talesin

    BTS,, that is the only one I liked for many years!

    It's A Wonderful Life is the ONLY movie for Xmas Eve, and it's always on multiple TV channels.

    Also, Scrooge (Alistair Sims 1951) and A Christmas Carol (Patrick Stewart 1999), and

    One Magic Christmas (late 80s w/ Harry Dean Stanton as the angel) and Santa Baby (Jenny McCarthy) are TV movies, but 2 I really enjoy.


  • mrsjones5

    The Bishop's Wife. I love Cary Grant movies.

  • poopsiecakes

    Not exactly classics but my recent traditions are Bridget Jones Diary and Love Actually. Oh and The Sound of Music, even though I've never quite been able to figure out why it's in the Christmas rotation.

    Oh and Elf...yeah I love that movie!

  • BizzyBee

    The Bishop's Wife.

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Last year I watched The Polar Express and I loved it.

    Give it a go.

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