60 yr. old needs chaperon????

by red21 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sizemik
    It's always about the private parts with those people

    There's a simple solution really . . . just cut off all the brother's penises and everybody can sleep wherever they like . . . simple. Penises are just so unspiritual and unclean. They don't want members having kids anyway. Jesus never used one. Think of all the time saved not having JC perv sessions . . . and not having to park outside brother hard-on's house all night.

  • NewChapter

    There's a simple solution really . . . just cut off all the brother's penises and everybody can sleep wherever they like . . . simple.

    But then the would lack the necessary hardware to serve as elders.

  • ilikecheese

    My JW boyfriend told me about a couple from his congregation. They were both divorced, in their 50s, and they never let themselves be alone together AT ALL when they were dating. Mostly because they knew they'd get in trouble if anyone found out about it. So any time they wanted to spend time at either one of their homes, they'd call someone/anyone to be there. If no one could, they just wouldn't hang out.

    It's beyond bizarre. I've been a church goer my whole life, I told a couple of people at my church about how I went on a trip with just my BF (I doubt he told anyone at the Kingdom Hall =p), and all my church buddies said was, "None of that funny stuff!!!" or something to that effect. Even if we were banging each other like screen doors in the wind, none of them would really care. Yeah, no sex before marriage and all of that (which I do believe in), but who cares? It's no one's business. If everyone who had sex before marriage is going to hell, heaven is going to have about three people in it.

    I'm pretty sure adults should be trusted to make their own decisions. Come on. What we do is nobody's business but ours, the other person or people who are involved, and God. Everyone else should just keep their pervy insinuations to themselves. When people spend so much time thinking about sex, I'm surprised they don't all want to have their genitals removed due to them being evil "stumblers."

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