I went home to visit my sister today...

by fallen_princess 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fallen_princess

    Hello All! I haven't posted on here much recently but I thought out of everything that has happened since my husband and I together left the JW's, this was tame enough and not as drama-laden enough to share...

    I have been married and out of the house for only about a year and a half, and since then, I have not been attending meetings after learning the truth about the "Truth". Of course, I have caught flack for it but my family is on this new passive-aggressive kick; trying to guilt me about leaving without actually outwardly saying anything.

    Today, my sister (the new young regular pioneer) invited me (the apostate) over to my mother's house to hang out and maybe watch a movie. I was responsible for picking the movie. I went to a Redbox and tried to find a mild comedy and I figured it couldnt be too hard to find something witness-friendly. There was all but one movie in the genre not rated R. As it turned out, the movie turned out to be a play, and not even a funny one. So we stopped watching it, and wouldnt you know it, our very own "Princess Ileana of Romania" of my old hall showed up. There is always one in the hall. A beautiful girl that hasn't married, travels to "where the need is great" and learns foreign languages to help recruit more members. As if my sister's rather clumsy tip-toeing around the subject of religion was not enough, here comes another regular pio-sneer who once was my friend and they start talking about the Watchtower articles and field service making me very uncomfortable. its like everyone in my family went uber-dub after the I, the bad seed, as my narcissistic mother always called me, left home. It makes me really sad for them. When I try to reason that some people are just so afraid of independence and free thinking they actually need religion to function, it sometimes makes me feel better but when I think more in depth about it, it makes me even more sad people could be that closed-minded, weak in character, and blind to the world. If my they only knew about all the things I have recently found out about the cult, and about the web of lies that hold it together, I believe they would either be so disillusioned with the whole thing that it would snap them out in a really violent way which would probably cause more harm than good, or on the flip of that coin they will become even more unhealthily obsessed with "The Lie" and defeind it by saying it's all apostate lies nad Satan is out to get everyone who beleives the truth. I was so uncomfortable there and I had to fight the urge to just roll my eyes and gag at EVERY turn. It feels as if they talk about religion more than they did when I lived there. I had to cut my visit short and just get out of there! It was that upsetting to see such a pathetic scene. It's so weird to think that eventhough I always felt in my heart that there was something fishy... well maybe that's not the right word... something shady going on in the JWs, this scene used to be normal to me; something that I accepted as commonplace.

    My question to you guys is, does it only feel like all the dubs around you go Uber-Dub after someone close to them leaves or is it just that I perceive it as such because I am so sensitive to the lies that I grew up hearing so I notice it more? Has anyone experienced something like this? How do you guys react? I feel badly about just walking away but it was just too much to bear at the time.

  • mrsjones5

    My father went über dub recently. It took him about 15 years after I left his house to get that way. I think it may have something to do with his getting older cuz he wasn't that way when I was growing up. It's just weird.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My JW family truly believed with all their hearts. They had doubts about Bethel but they believed. My nuclear family faded. The JW family lived in the next twon and a different KH. I started doing normal things. B/c I wanted to keep being loved or the illusion of love, I never mentioned any details to my family. Over time, though, I could not hide things and suprise, they accepted me but never acknowledged my wicked ways. Nothing was ever discussed. A pattern emerged.

    I am so grateful that they risk death at Armageddon to still have a relationship with me. We still are in shock about the unspoken decision. Losing them would have been so hard.

    It was bizarre never saying that I was dating, working certain jobs, campaigning, attend every rock and roll concert, hanging out in Greenwich Village. They knew I was in college. Altho they never said anything actively supporting, it was neutral territory. They wanted the best for me.

    I spent decades at their table showing respect, pretending to be a JW (altho they had to know how much I hated the Witnesses). It was a very strange dance. I feel cowardly for not saying this is who I am in my abundance. We would sit and just listen as they jabbered about Witness topics. I would never raise politics, current events. Books and films could be discussed b/c they only read Witness stuff and rarely saw films. Weather could be discussed.They determined the content of the conversation.

    Late in my uncle's life he had a heart attack. My mom and I rushed to the hospital. Her sister had died. There was this light banter. Normally, they would tell the hospital that they had only one sister, my mom, to avoid the KH crowd intruding on private space. A brother came in and I was suddenly invisible. All my years of being alittle kid, being taken on special trips, indulged, all down the drain. I knew he was embarassed that I was present b/c the brother could see he was associating with me. It hurt.

    Despite pondering what was the best course for many years, I have no clue as to what I should have done. Maybe things worked out for the best. Time helped a lot. They could never rah-rah relatives b/c of the Witnesses. Nevertheless, they were the best they could be under the cirumstances. My actions were not pure. Purity would have meant no relationship.----And all the much worse stories of messed up families. Just what Jesus would want for his followers.

  • fallen_princess

    Thanks so much for your input ladies. It's difficult to go against the grain, and sometimes it gets so bad that I just feel like toting my Crisis of Concience book and slapping it down on a random elder's lap so the decision could be made for me. I hate walking on eggshells and there's all this "grey area" you don't really know how to behave in.. It's just a crappy situation altogether and sometimes its hard to really define or outline the pros and cons. Hopefully some day it will get easier.

  • lilbluekitty

    My uncle left the JWs for about 8 months or so, so my aunt and grandmother overcompensated and probably drew him away more from the JWs. Unfortunately, they got him back (he had converted to being a dub in his late 20s or early 30s, apparently opened the door with a "doobie" (his words) in his mouth and was so high he took whatever book or mags he recieved and then later read them and decided to become a dub, then married my aunt probably after only being baptized for a year. Anyway, they got totally in his face spiritual on him (and if I had been more out then, I would have tried to talk to him, hopefully to keep him out, but unfortunately I didn't start surfing this site til he come back into the lie. Supposedly he went to his first meeting back and cried during the Washtowel study. I sooo wish I could turn him but the thing is, I don't want to be the one responsible for doing that, and possibly ruining my aunt and uncle's marriage. =/

  • lilbluekitty

    Oh, and as for me, I've been givng more and more hints and clues to the fact that I don't want to be a dub anymore to my family and so some of them have been giving me the cold shoulder, the others are totally in my face about going to meetings and crap, telling me what the Bible reading is for the week or emailing me the day's text. It's pretty darn annoying.

  • NewChapter

    They probably do go uber dub on you---but I heard a psychologist say something intriguing: "the healthier you get, the sicker those around you grow."

    It just means that now you know better, their nuttiness is more evident.


  • fallen_princess

    aw, man.. It sounds like your uncle was totally duped, Lilblue. That scene you described made me chuckle though. Reminds me of my field service days when you found all sorts of surprises behind that door...

    Thanks! that makes a lot of sense NC

  • lifestooshort

    NewChapter- that is an amazing thought. I am going to keep that one in my back pocket. This is why I keep returning to this website. It really helps me figure things out. I have been so tired of feeling confused and lost. This forum helps me identify what I am feeling. Thank you NewChapter!

  • knows better
    knows better

    "I feel cowardly for not saying this is who I am in my abundance"

    brillant. one of my biggest regrets. well said

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