Do You Agree That Being A JW=Never Growing To Your Full Potential?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    totally agree. I have never seen a bigger group of losers content with minimal education and standard of living. And then it gets passed on to the next generation of Jdubs.

  • outsmartthesystem

    The WT steals everything that is good from a person. I knew a couple of guys that would have had D1 athletic scholarships. Alas....they proudly refused to go to college....instead....focusing on preaching since the time left is minimal.

    I know a guy that is a walking encyclopedia. He works on an assembly line. He does this because he wanted his "intellectual focus" to be on "the organization" instead of "mundane secular pursuits".

    So much potential is lost when a person submits to WT authority

  • d

    Yes but now that I left I am free to broaden my horizon.

  • oompa

    be somebody?...nope...that is what you can do for your wife or child or children or friends or dont worry about that will never measure up if you do that crap....just be true to yourself and try not to hurt others if you can...and yep...sometimes you have to and that does not make you evil either....thank goodness for therapy!..........oomps

  • thetrueone

    Do You Agree That Being A JW=Never Growing To Your Full Potential?

    As far as this organization goes climbing up to a position of DO and higher is considered reaching your potential.

    As far as be a contributing person outside the JW organization for the betterment of humanity, there's very little perceived advancement

    since education is demeaned and frowned upon.

  • NVR2L8

    I agree with thetrueone...even when you do it according to the WT's view of growing to your full potential, when they are done with you, you are tossed to the side...I know DOs and COs who have been replaced by younger (healthier and less expensive) company men...These "older" servants are now without resources and have their cherished priviledges and only reason to live taken away. This is quite the reward for reaching your full potential...and there is no relief (or end) in sight.

  • mamalove

    I think I wasted some good years, but I am still young enough to do what my heart desires.

    Most of all, leaving the JWs will allow my girls to have a much better shot at their full potential, as they will have their teens, and 20's to devote to education before they begin a career. Instead of me doing it backwards like I am now.

    If I was not raised a JW I think I would have a different path no doubt. But I am not complaining. I am not quite yet entitled to the overachiever label. Need some more time on that one!

  • WTWizard

    Being a witless does waste potential. One family I remember being ballyhooed at the boasting sessions had a father give up a full time job for a part time one, and everyone in the family gave up so much to all regular pious-sneer. The cable TV went--as crappy as that is, it is better than network TV (or nothing). I bet they don't even get the regular newspaper--as full of rubbish those things are, they are still so much better than the Washtowel and Asleep! rags. Thus, they don't get any way of learning about the world.

    Another thing the witlesses give up is a decent paying job. Suppose I were to start a business repairing computers. The hounders would harp that I am wasting time that I should be spending pious-sneering instead. Besides, what if I get a computer that is being used in national defense or one that has porn, Christmas items, religious material, or apostate material on it? The same goes for every business, save the toilet scrubbing and window washing ones. And, what if I would have been able to apply for a computer programming job at $32 per hour, in 1989 when the dollar still bought something? No guarantee I would have gotten the job--but, being a witless was a guarantee that I would NOT get it. Plus, there would still be the "national defense, bad video games, and so on" argument against taking it. Likely I would be taking home $800 in 1989 dollars per week, after taxes (and probably more)--instead of around $150.

    Even without pious-sneering, I wasted much as a witless. First, the holidays do in fact help people reach full potential--people enjoy the colors and patterns of decorations. Instead, I had to waste resources worrying about it. And the Asleep! rags--taught precisely nothing. When I was a witless, I had my head stuck in those rags to the extent that I knew a few third-world countries only by what the witlesses were doing to expand their numbers. Major cities like Montevideo (Uruguay), Santiago (Chile), and Auckland (New Zealand) that were rarely in the news, I didn't even know where they were until I got out of those rags and started researching in real life. The silver market--I wish I would have been able to take home 800 toilet papers a week, invest something like 400 of them in silver at 4 toilet papers an ounce each week, and accumulate piles of gold and monster boxes of silver while it was cheap instead of believing that precious metals would sink with the stock market.

  • wobble


    Unless your full potential happens to be ending up as a member of a high-control and mind -controlling cult that does all your thinking and information gathering for you. There probably are some who would never have made it to a higher plane.

  • truth_b_known

    The "Dark Ages" refers to a period of time in Europe, roughly between the 5th and 15th centuries, in which no one pursued knowledge. The reason for this is because a Pope declared that pursuing anything other than salvation was a complete waste of time. Art, medicine, and science came to a hault because the church declared such things a waste of time.

    Sound familiar?

    How can you reach your full potential when you are taught that such a pursuit would be a waste of time and show a lack of faith? That reality is not "the real life" and that you cannot reach your potential or experience "the real life" until after a mythical, world changing event. How can you reach your full potential when you are taught that personal searches for knowledge are forbidden and everything you need to know will be given to you once a month in a magazine written by clueless men in Brooklyn, New York?

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