How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?

by dgp 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    It all boils down to the claim that Jehovah is running the organization.

    Since JWs are required to accept that, independent thoughts, questions, and actions are not welcome.

  • LongHairGal


    I consider it the height of presumptuousness for the religion to say that Jehovah is "running" it. Where is he and how does he communicate to them? Then that makes Jehovah responsible for all the wrongoing and failed prophecies, etc. I suppose because he hasn't reached down from heaven to smite them that they will go on making even bolder claims. I wonder if they really even believe in Jehovah.

  • dgp

    LongHairGal: to get an answer to your question, whether they really believe in Jehovah...

    you'll have to wait on Jehovah!!!

  • Silent_Scream

    Jesus didn't wait for Jehovah to turn the tables over, nor show the Pharisees and scribes they were wrong. Jesus seen things wrong and acted. I agree with truth_b_known.

  • Ding


    I agree with you about the presumptuousness.

    As to whether they really believe in Jehovah, Ray Franz said in CoC that he thinks the GB of his day were themselves captive of the concept that the WTS was Jehovah's organization. They were blinded to the fact that the organization was THEM. Somehow they saw the organization as something bigger than themselves.

    I don't know what the current GB really believes. I tend to believe that they are captives of the same concept, but I think it would take someone with inside knowledge of what they say in unguarded moments in order to provide an accurate understanding of what those men truly believe.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Their holey book is filled with people who acted and didn't wait on Jehovah. They're hypocrites who cherry pick verses to control their sheeple.

  • exwhyzee

    Waiting on Jehovah doesn't mean waiting like you wait at a bus stop for the bus to arrive.

    Waiting on Jehovah a Waiter "waits" on tables.

  • Iamallcool


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